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 Standard 4. Experiences Working with Diverse Faculty

4a. Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Curriculum and Experiences

4b. Experiences Working with Diverse Faculty

4c. Experiences Working with Diverse Candidates

4d. Experiences Working with Diverse Students in P-12 Schools

Supplemental Exhibits

Elements Exhibits
 The Candidate product electronic data management system is TaskStream.
A demonstration of candidate work samples is available.
 4a. Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Curriculum and Experiences 4a.1. What proficiencies related to diversity are candidates expected to develop and demonstrate?
4a.2. What required coursework and experiences enable teacher candidates and candidates for other school professional roles to develop:
  • awareness of the importance of diversity in teaching and learning; and
  • the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions to adapt instruction and/or services for diverse populations, including linguistically and culturally diverse students and students with exceptionalities?

4a.3. What key assessments provide evidence about candidates’ proficiencies related to diversity? How are candidates performing on these assessments?

4a.4. (Optional Upload for Online IR) Tables, figures, and a list of links to key exhibits related to diversity proficiencies and assessments may be attached here. [Because BOE members should be able to access many exhibits electronically, a limited number of attachments (0-5) should be uploaded.]
 4b. Experiences Working with Diverse Faculty 4b.1. What opportunities do candidates (including candidates at off-campus sites and/or in distance learning or alternate route programs) have to interact with higher education and/or school-based faculty from diverse groups?
4b.2. What knowledge and experiences do faculty have related to preparing candidates to work with students from diverse groups?
4b.3. How diverse are the faculty members who work with education candidates?
4b.4. What efforts does the unit make to recruit and retain a diverse faculty?

 4c. Experiences Working with Diverse Candidates

4c.2. How diverse are the candidates in initial teacher preparation and advanced preparation programs?
4c.3. What efforts does the unit make to recruit and retain candidates from diverse groups?

 4d. Experiences Working with Diverse Students in P-12 Schools

4d.1. How does the unit ensure that candidates develop and practice knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions related to diversity during their field experiences and clinical practice?
4d.2. How diverse are the P-12 students in the settings in which candidates participate in field experiences and clinical practice?
4d.3. How does the unit ensure that candidates use feedback from peers and supervisors to reflect on their skills in working with students from diverse groups?

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