During the early years when San Angelo College had no football team, homecoming was held during the spring semester and centered around a basketball game.
When the school started football in 1939, the Ram homecoming was moved to the fall where it has remained except for four years from 1960–63 when the institution temporarily dropped football as San Angelo College worked on the transition to Angelo State University. Since 1964, when football resumed, homecoming has been an autumn hallmark of ASU life.
By the turn of the 21st century, homecoming was an elaborate ritual jointly run by the Alumni Association, the university and the students. Activities included the annual Alumni Awards Banquet, honoring alumni; a pep rally followed by a torch parade to light the bonfire; a homecoming parade and, of course, the football game to top everything off with the crowning of the Homecoming Queen and King.
All during the week leading up to the game, student organizations compete for the Spirit Stick, given to the group who has shown the most spirit and contributed the most to the many tasks required to make the event a success. Since 1975 ASU’s Air Force ROTC Detachment 847 has built the bonfire.
And each year Roscoe, ASU’s mascot and perpetual student, is honored as a nominee to the Homecoming Court.