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Academic Department Chair Council

The Council provides academic department chairs with opportunities for collaboration and communication to, from, and among each other. It also provides a forum for ongoing professional development and training opportunities. The Vice Provost, Dr. Clifton Jones, provides administrative support for the Council and can be reached at

Responsible Office: Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


The Department Chair Council consists of the academic department chairs from the departments within each academic college.

Chair and Vice Chair Appointments

There are two officer positions on the Council: the Chair and the Vice Chair. These positions are elected by the Council, and each serves a one-year term. The Vice Chair presides in the Chair’s absence and assumes the Chair position for the subsequent year. Elections will be held at the end of the academic year (at the May meeting).

2024-2025 Officers
Position Name
Chair TBD
Vice Chair TBD
Council Members



Dr. Jeremy St. John Department of Accounting, Economics, and Finance
Lt Col Karyn Argueta Department of Aerospace Studies
Dr. Chase Runyan Department of Agriculture
Dr. Nicholas Negovetich Department of Biology
Dr. Kyle Beran Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Dr. Leslie Rodriguez Department of Communication and Mass Media
Dr. Erdoğan Doğdu Department of Computer Science
Dr. Twyla Tasker Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. William Kitch David L. Hirschfeld Department of Engineering
Dr. Mark Hama Natalie Zan Ryan Department of English and Modern Language
Dr. Kristi White Department of Health Science Professions
Dr. Jason Pierce Dr. Arnoldo de Leon Department of History
Dr. James (Zero) Eldridge Department of Kinesiology
Dr. Rex Moody Department of Management and Marketing
Dr. Karl Havlak Department of Mathematics
Dr. Jennifer Braziel Department of Nursing
Dr. Kendra Nicks Department of Physical Therapy
Dr. Andy Wallace Department of Physics and Geosciences
Dr. Matthew Gritter Department of Political Science and Philosophy
Dr. James Forbes Department of Psychology
Dr. William Taylor Department of Security Studies and Criminal Justice
Dr. Thomas Starkey Department of Social Work and Sociology
Dr. Tia Agan Department of Teacher Education
Dr. Constance Kelley Department of Visual and Performing Arts


Meetings will take place once a month during the academic year (September-May). The Council Chair may call a special meeting if warranted. The location of the meetings and the exact dates and times will be determined by the Council. Meeting minutes will be recorded by the Vice Chair and submitted to the Vice Provost no later than 10 business days after the meeting. The Curriculum and Policy Coordinator in the Provost’s Office, Ms. Christena Parks, will upload the minutes to SharePoint before the next month’s meeting.

Agenda Requirements

The Chair Council members should make every effort to request items be placed on the agenda before noon on the business day preceding the regularly scheduled meeting.

Upcoming Meetings

Department Chair Retreat

Sept. 27 , 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 
Junell Center/Stephens Arena, VIP Room

Network with colleagues and learn about some exciting new developments related to your role as a department chair!