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Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Agribusiness

(120 credit hours)

This degree is designed to meet the needs of individual students desiring a program of study with a strong emphasis in animal science and business. The degree will provide students the knowledge and experience to pursue careers in the continually changing and growing agribusiness industry.

Academic Major
Courses Hours
Agricultural Economics 3330, 3331, 4317, 4335 12
Agricultural Economics 4305, 4306, or 4351 (choose two) 6
Agricultural Economics 4342 or Management 2331 3
Animal Science 1319 3
Animal Science 3320, 4181 4
Animal Science 3443, 3449, 4344 (choose two) 7-8
Animal Science 4342, 4343, 4345 (choose one) 3
Major Support Courses
Courses Hours
Agricultural Economics 2317 3
Animal Science 1309 or Business Computer Information Systems 1305 3
Finance 3361 3
Food Science 1329 3

General Studies 1181

Mathematics 1314, 1324, 1342 3
Range and Wildlife Management 3331 3
Core Curriculum
Courses Hours
Core Curriculum. Students should be aware that some majors specify particular courses to meet core-curriculum requirements when options are available. 42

Minor (Choose one)

Courses Hours
Accounting 2301, 2302 6
Finance 3361 3
Finance 4324 3
Finance 4371 3
Marketing 3323 3
Business Administration
Courses Hours
Accounting 2301, 2302 6
Business 3301 3
Economics 2301 3
Management 3301 3
Marketing 3321 3
Courses  Hours
Electives 11-12