Are you fascinated by rock formations and volcanoes?
Do you like to work outdoors and don’t mind getting your hands dirty? Are you interested in geology and the structure of the earth? Maybe your interests lie in the country’s energy sources or studying earthquakes or volcanoes. If any of these ideas catch your eye, then a geoscience major could be just right for you.
Our wide-ranging geoscience degree program covers everything from structural geology, mineralogy, meteorology and stratigraphy - to hydrology, geochemistry, geophysics and volcanology. You’ll also participate in top-level research and field studies, which will give you a competitive edge when applying for a job or for graduate school.
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Program Details
What Can You Do With a Geoscience Degree?
Field Training
You’ll experience the diverse geology of Texas and the western U.S. when you join your fellow students and professors for field trips and Summer Field Camp. Visit sites like the Permian Basin, Big Bend, Caprock Canyon, New Mexico volcanoes and Mount St. Helens.
Research Opportunities
We encourage all our students to conduct research projects alongside our faculty. Many of our students present their findings at national conferences, and several have won prestigious awards. We can also help you obtain summer research opportunities sponsored by the National Science Foundation around the country.
Strong Connections
You’ll be exposed to internship and service-learning opportunities when you join our Geologic Exhibition Organization student group. Network with geology professionals, participate in outreach activities and attend national conferences while you connect and bond with your fellow students and professors.