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Bachelor of Music (B.M.), Applied Performance - Voice

Piano Placement Exam
Incoming B.M. students with a substantial background in piano studies may attempt to test out of all or part of the class piano sequence by taking the Piano Placement Exam prior to the drop/add deadline of their first semester of matriculation. Students who do not pass this exam must take MUSI 1181 during their first semester of study. Students who test out of one or more semesters of class piano must successfully complete 1-3 semester credit hours of elective study in music to complete the required hours in music.

Specialization area in Applied Performance - Voice

The B.M. with a specialization in Applied Performance focuses on training the student to perform. This specialization emphasizes the technique, repertoire, pedagogy, and applied performance aspects of the student’s instrument/voice. It features an engaging mix of private instruction, large ensemble and small ensemble experiences, solo performances, and academic coursework in music. Students will declare either a vocal or instrumental emphasis.

(125 credit hours)

Academic Major
Courses Hours
MUSI 1000 (B.M. with Applied Performance - eight semesters) 0
MUSI 1117, 1211, 1306, 1312, 2116, 2117, 2311, 2312 17
MUSI 1182, 2181, 2182, or music electives 3
MUSI 3251, 3340, 3341, 4152, 4230 11 
MUAP 1201, 1202 * 4
MUAP 2201, 2202 * 4

MUAP 3201, 3202 *

MUAP 4199 1
Major ensemble (lower division) 4
Major ensemble (upper division - B.M. with Applied Performance) 4
MUAP 3199 1
MUAP 4201, 4202 4
MUEN 1102 4
MUEN 3101 4
MUEN 3102 4
MUSI 2183, 2184, 3190, 4190, 4192, 4193 6
Theatre 3320 3
French 1301 and German 1301 6
MUAP, MUEN, MUSI electives (advanced) 2
Major Support Course
Courses Hours
General Studies 1181 1
Core Curriculum
Courses Hours
Core Curriculum. Students should be aware that some majors specify particular courses to meet core-curriculum requirements when options are available. 42

* Applied study in the major instrument