Named a “Military Friendly School” every year since 2010 and a “Best for Vets College” every year since 2014, ASU’s military-friendly environment extends beyond campus to the surrounding San Angelo community.
VETS Center Staff
We’re here to help you navigate the world of higher education. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions at all.
Helpful Links
Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges
Texas Veterans Portal
GI Bill® Calculator
Green Zone Advocacy Training
We’re always striving to make Angelo State an even better place for veterans. Green Zone Advocacy Training is offered by the VETS Center to train ASU faculty and staff about issues important to student veterans.
As service members transition from active duty to student life, you are met with many challenges. It is the goal of the VETS Center to assist you with this transition to ensure you have a positive experience while at Angelo State. Contact us for more information.