Business Services provides effective, customer-focused support for the ASU community through campus space planning, OneCard and parking, auxiliary and retail operations (bookstore, banking, dining, student health, vending), university reservations, and quality event facilities and support. As a team of knowledgeable employees working in a fun and healthy environment, we strive for excellence through communication and innovation to support the student experience and University mission.
Services Managed
An ATM furnished by Concho Educators Federal Credit Union is available for use by any visitor of the Houston Harte University Center during the normal building hours.
Angelo State University contracts with Chartwells to provide food and catering services on campus.
ASU contracts with Shannon to provide health services to ASU Students that have paid the medical services fee. For our distance learners, you may opt into the medical services fee by going to
The ASU OneCard is the official identification card for all students at Angelo State University. Your OneCard gives you access to campus facilities, events and other university services.
Angelo State University contracts with Follett Higher Education Group to provide management of Ram Central Station (the ASU Bookstore), located on the first floor of the Houston Harte University Center.