Building Services Department
The Building Services Department consists of building maintenance, electrical, and painting.
The Building Maintenance Shop is responsible for all general construction-related work. This includes such items as room renovations, floor repairs, wall repairs, door and hardware repairs, cabinet repairs and replacements, roof repairs, window repairs, masonry repairs, sidewalk repairs/replacements, and any other type of general repairs required to keep the facilities in good condition. This shop works closely with all other shops to coordinate repairs or renovations.
The Electrical shop is responsible for all electrical repairs on the ASU campus. This includes interior and exterior lighting repairs, electrical repairs, circuit breaker panel repairs, motor control center repairs, and electrical work involved in building modifications.
The Paint shop is responsible for all wall covering and painting including all exterior railings, building trim, and painting involved in building modifications.
We take pride in providing the best service possible to meet the needs and requirements of our customers. We are striving to provide full accountability for quality, cost-effectiveness, and response.
The building services department is under the direction of the Associate Director of Building Services.
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