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Mechanical Services Department

The Mechanical Services Department consist of HVAC, plumbing, and controls.

HVAC is responsible for the heating and cooling of all buildings operated by ASU. The university operates a central plant, which provides the chilled and hot water that is utilized in the cooling and heating of the buildings on campus. In addition, the domestic hot water is also produced in the central plant. This department, which employs a supervisor and seven full-time persons, is in charge of the central plant operations, as well as all mechanical equipment located in the buildings. This includes maintenance and repairs for all of the educational buildings.

Plumbing is responsible for maintenance and repairs of all plumbing in the facilities operated by ASU. The staff is also in charge of maintaining the water treatment at the MIR center, in compliance with TNRCC standards.

Controls is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the automated building control equipment, clocks, and some of the special electronic equipment located on campus. The heating and cooling of the majority of the buildings on the ASU campus, is controlled by an automated system. This allows the physical plant to control the temperatures for most of the areas from a central location. Controls technicians are also responsible for the campus fire alarm systems.

This equipment enables ASU to closely monitor the operations of the HVAC equipment, while keeping temperatures in line with the energy conservation measures as recommended by the President’s Office. Facilities Management is also working to place the irrigation system and exterior lighting controls on the automation system as well. This has been shown to increase the efficiency of the utilities usage associated with the operation of the facility. Controls has two full-time Controls technicians.

We take pride in providing the best service possible to meet the needs and requirements of our customers. We are striving to provide full accountability for quality, cost-effectiveness, and response.

The Mechanical Services Department is under the director of the Associate Director of Mechanical Services.

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