Account Request Form for New or Transferring Employees
These forms should be filled out by the employee’s supervisor. Accounts will be created after employment has been authorized by Human Resources.
University Accounts
Note: Employees are required to use Duo two-factor authentication when accessing ASU accounts.
- Technology Access Account. This account provides access to the university network including departmental drive space, individual drive space and shared printers. You will also use this account to access RamPort, the university portal.
- Email Account. You are provided an email account for work purposes. Your email address is typically You may access your email through Outlook or RamPort.
- Banner Access Account. You will need to fill out the Request for Access to Banner form to get a Banner account.
- Blackboard Account. Accounts are created automatically for each individual.
Additional Services for Employees
- Voicemail will be setup in each new employee’s office.
- Computer setup for new employee which includes our standard software. All additional software must be licensed and provided to the technician to install.
- Requesting removal of services for Student Employees if applicable.
- Your information will be displayed on the ASU web directory.