Mail Services FAQs
USPS does not provide ASU with a specified delivery schedule. Mail is normally delivered between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. and sorted immediately upon arrival at ASU.
We stock pre-paid envelopes in addition to those without applied postage. For your convenience we stock large to small manila envelopes, padded envelopes, assorted boxes and stamps. As part of the “Go Green Recycling” ASU mail service provides recycled packing material (stuffing) free of charge to our students.
We provide various types of services, Certified with or without Return Receipt, Insured, and Custom Forms. ASU mail services does not process Registered mail service or overnight, this must be processed at one of the local USPS stations.
Certainly, we accept small to large packages/parcels. USPS does have a weight limit of 70 pounds for mailing items. We’ll be happy to help you with packaging of your parcels.
We offer several services for tracking through USPS and we will help with your tracking provided you have a tracking number.
USPS scans your item(s) as delivered when placed on the truck for outgoing delivery, not when actual delivery is made to mail services. Other carriers may follow the same procedure as USPS. You will receive an email from Mail Services when your item has been processed, and is ready for you to pick it up. We send three different emails, so please pay attention to the subject line. This will tell you where your item is located. Placed in mail box (you will need your key), behind counter (you will need a photo ID), package available in lockers.
ASU will only forward first class mail 30 days for permanent forwarding and 60 days for summer temporary forwarding.
We can make you a new key within a few minutes. A new or replacement key will cost $25.
ASU Mail Services is considered an official method of communication for students therefore our policy requires students living on campus to have a mail box. Mailbox sharing is not allowed.