December 2014
Data Day, December 5, 2014
EPIC Staff Update
- Undergraduate Advisor Update
- Graduate Advisor Update
- Field Experience Advisor Update
- Certification Advisor Update
- Director or Educator Support Services Update
PACE Data: State of Educator Preparation For Initial Teacher Certification
TEA Update
- 227.10 Admission Criteria
- 228 Complaints
- 228 Requirements for EPPs
- 229 Accreditation Status and Sanctions
- 229.230 Fees
- 230 Professional Educator Preparation and Certification
- Building an Evidence-Based System
- Core Subject Tests FAQ
- Sunset Committee Recommendations
Data from ASU ED Prep and public schools within 150 miles of ASU Campus
- Public School Demographics: Who do we serve?
- Public School Trends: Who will our candidates teach?
- STARR Performance: Who is doing well and who might need help?
- 25 High and Low Performing Campuses
- Teacher Production: How are we doing?
- State Wide University Based Teacher Production: Compared to others?
- 5 Year Retention: How are we doing?
CAEP Reports
- CAEP Overview: Dr. Amy Williamson
- Standard 1: Dr. Deborah Banker
- Standard 2: Dr. Blake Hightower
- Standard 3: Dr. Kim Livengood
- Standard 4: Dr. Jim Summerlin
- Standard 5: Dr. John Miazga
- CAEP Resources
Program Alignment
- InTASC Standards: At a Glance
- InTASC Standards
- New Teacher Evaluation Standards
- Texas Teacher Practice Standards/InTASC Crosswalk
- Program alignment spreadsheet
- Dispositions
Use of Data for Program Improvement
Analysis if Data from Data Book for each Program
- What data was reviewed?
- What issues were identified from the data review?
- What Plan of Action has been developed?
- Rationale for plan
- Copy of plan to the Dean
Data Review
- 7:45-8:30 Breakfast
- EPI Center Staff Updates
- PACE Data
- TEA Update
- CAEP Reports
- Program Alignment
- 11:30-12:30 Lunch
- Use of Data for Program Improvement