August 2012
College of Education Data Review Day
- Breakfast- 7:45 am to 8:15 am
- Freshman College- Dean Andy Wallace
- Introductions and Announcements
CAEP (NCATE) Overview
- Conceptual Framework and Introduction to the Institutional Report
- Standard Committees Summary of Data Submitted to NCATE
- Dispositions and Student Learning Outcomes
- Disposition Incident Reporting
State Bard of Educator Certification Accountability Update
- Standard I- Pass Rates on TExES
- Standard II- Principals’ Surveys
- Standard III- PEEQ results of value added study
- Standard IV- University Supervisor Assessment
- Inter-rater Reliability Study
- ETS Dashboard
Fall Dates
- Calendar for Evaluations and Curriculum
- Academic Planning Calendar
- Tenure, Promotion, Post-Tenure Review and Faculty Evaluation
- College Councils and Committees
- Longitudinal Data- Found on the Departmental Drives