May 2017
- Progress on questions that will be used for Teacher Focus Group
- Final Copy of Questions, June 1, 2017
- Action Research volunteers
- Student Perception volunteers
- Meet with principals – to be done in the fall of the year
- Opportunities for candidate participation
- Korean student numbers will double in size
- Faculty interested in presenting information to visitors
- Approximately 50 visitors
- Interested in being a host family?
- Upscale assessment
- Look at CAEP assessment document
- Validity of every assessment used to measure progress of candidates: content, construct, predictive
- Reliability studies for multiple sections of the same course or multiple assessors
- Opportunity for candidate involvement
- Results from the Principal Focus Group in February 2017
- Hakes’ retirement – Plaque and iPad
- 7:45 Breakfast (CARR 112)
- 8:30-12:00 Data Day Meeting
- 12:00 Lunch (CARR 112)
- 2:30-4:30 Dr. Hake’s Reception