MBA Online Class Schedule
Prefix | Number | Title |
ACCT | 6301 | Advanced Management Accounting |
BUSI | 6302 | Legal & Social Environment of Business |
ECON | 6311 | Managerial Economics |
MGMT | 6301 | Management of Information Systems |
MGMT | 6303 | Advanced Data Analytics |
MKTG | 6301 | Marketing Management |
Prefix | Number | Title |
FINC | 6301 | Financial Management |
MGMT | 6303 | Advanced Data Analytics |
MGMT | 6311 | Organizational Behavior & Leadership |
MGMT | 6312 | Operations & Supply Chain Management |
MGMT | 6313* | Strategic Management in a Global Environment |
MKTG | 6301 | Marketing Management |
*This class is taken in the last semester.
Prefix | Number | Title |
ACCT | 6301 | Advanced Management Accounting |
BUSI | 6302 | Legal & Social Environment of Business |
ECON | 6311 | Managerial Economics |
FINC | 6301 | Financial Management |
MGMT | 6301 | Management of Information Systems |
MGMT | 6303 | Advanced Data Analytics |
MGMT | 6311 | Organizational Behavior and Leadership |
MGMT | 6313* | Strategic Management in a Global Environment |
*This class is taken in the last semester.
Prefix | Number | Title |
ACCT | 6301 | Advanced Management Accounting |
BUSI | 6302 | Legal & Social Environment of Business |
ECON | 6311 | Managerial Economics |
MGMT | 6311 | Organizational Behavior & Leadership |
MGMT | 6301 | Management Information Systems |
MGMT | 6303 | Advanced Data Analytics |
MGMT | 6312 | Operations & Supply Chain Management |
MKTG | 6301 | Marketing Management |
FINC | 6301 | Financial Management |
Prefix | Number | Title |
FINC | 6301 | Financial Management |
MGMT | 6301 | Management of Information Systems |
MGMT | 6311 | Organizational Behavior & Leadership |
MGMT | 6312 | Operations and Supply Chain Management |
MGMT | 6313* | Strategic Management in a Global Environment |
ACCT | 6301 | Advanced Management Accounting |
*This class is taken in the last semester.
All MBA Online courses are taught in 8 week terms, including summer.
The MBA schedule is subject to change.