SBDC Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to make an appointment to visit the SBDC?
Yes, appointments are required in order to ensure an advisor is able to assist at a convenient time for you.
How much time should I allow for my appointment with an advisor?
Please allow an hour to visit with your advisor.
Where are you located?
The SBDC is located at the Business Resource Center, 69 N. Chadbourne St. (Old Coca-Cola Administration Bldg.)
Where should I park when visiting the Center?
There are is parking in front of the Building and there is also a parking lot on the left side of the building on West 1st Street
Does the SBDC loan to potential and existing small businesses?
The SBDC is not a lending institution but provides free and confidential assistance with loan and investor proposals as well as help small businesses understand the many loan programs available to them. A loan proposal is much like a business plan but also includes detailed financial projections, current business financials and personal financial information the lender will need as they evaluate your proposal.
Can I do business with the government?
Yes, any business can sell goods and services to the federal, state, and various local governments. However, some preference is given to women and minority-owned businesses. The SBDC can assist with various certifications that will help you and your business as you pursue government business. The SBDC also conducts “Doing Business with the Government” seminars during the year.
Will you write my business plan?
The SBDC assists with developing a business plan for your business or potential business. Our goal is to give you the knowledge, tools and on going guidance so you can develop your plan. The true value of a business plan besides it being required for a loan proposal is what you learn about your business and industry during the process.
What do I bring with me to the initial advising session?
You are not required to bring anything to the initial session with one of our business advisors. Just bring your thoughts, questions and passion for what you want to do. We can provide guidance from there. Remember many of our business advisors have previous business ownership, business management, and business education to help you. It is free and painless!
Is there a charge for the session?
Our one-on-one business advising services are free of charge. Also, most of our training seminars and workshops are offered for free or for a nominal charge.
Can I bring a friend or family member to the session?
Please bring those whom you feel are important in developing your business and for the purpose of the advising session. In most cases, spouses are integrally involved in business operations and decisions. Young children can be distracting to you and the advisor if they attend the advising session.
Does the SBDC provide services to individuals and businesses outside of San Angelo?
Yes. The Angelo State University—Small Business Development Center is ASU’s primary business outreach program to the small business community. Our center covers ten counties of the Concho Valley. The SBDC has dedicated rural business advisors who spend time traveling to the rural communities to provide advising services. Learn more about our Rural Business Program.
Who can help me with a resume?
The SBDC will assist any client who is composing a business plan or proposal and requires the inclusion of a resume. Otherwise, the Center will refer former, current, or potential ASU students to the Center for Career and Professional Success at 325-942-2255. Anyone who is not a SBDC client or ASU student will be referred to Workforce Solutions of the Concho Valley at 325-653-2321.
Can I pay for an event with a credit card?
Yes, the SBDC now accepts credit card payments online or at the door via PayPal processing. We accept credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal payments.
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