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Guide for Responsible Employees

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Reporting Requirements

All employees, including student employees, who in the course and scope of their employment, witness or receive information regarding the occurrence of an allegation of sexual misconduct; alleged to have been committed by or against an individual who was a student enrolled at or an employee of the University at the time of the incident; must promptly report all known details associated with the incident to the Office of Title IX Compliance using the information below.

Reports may be made directly to the Title IX Coordinator or Officers or by utilizing the online reporting form.

Report an Incident

What Happens After a Report is Submitted?

When a report is made, the Director of Title IX/Title IX Coordinator or Title IX Officer will contact the student via email to request a follow up meeting to discuss the report. During this meeting, staff from the Office of Title IX Compliance will discuss with the student their options in addressing the report, the student’s safety, remedies, and resources available to the student.

Tips for Fulfilling Responsibilities as a Responsible Employee

What are Possible Outcomes of Not Fulfilling Responsibilities as a Responsible Employee?

Failure to report Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, or Stalking under the TTU System Regulation 07.06 is a violation of state law that shall result in termination of employment and may result in criminal penalties. (Note that this determination will be made following an investigation).

Should you have any questions regarding the fulfillment of responsibilities as a responsible employee, please contact the Office of Title IX Compliance.

Office of Title IX Compliance
San Angelo, TX 76909-1047
ASU Station #11047

A printable version or printed copies of this information can be obtained by contacting the Office of Title IX Compliance.