Report a Title IX Violation
When completing the report, you may select “Title IX” as the “Nature of Report.” Reports filed in this manner are seen only by the Title IX coordinator and the Title IX officer. There are multiple ways to report a concern that relates to sexual misconduct or Title IX:
For more information, contact the Office of Title IX Compliance at 325-942-2022.
Contact the Title IX Coordinator
Director of Student Transitions and Title IX Compliance
If You Need Immediate Help
Contact the University Police Department (UPD) at 325-942-2071. UPD will help you complete a police report and begin a criminal investigation, reach out to the Title IX coordinator, and assist you in coordinating any medical needs.
Go to the Shannon Medical Center Emergency Room at 120 E. Harris. Shannon personnel can help you with a SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Exam) and information related to victim’s services. A SAFE is conducted by a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) who is trained in the collection of evidence and can check for both injuries and evidence. (You may receive a SAFE even if you do not wish to report the incident to the police at this time. However, a police officer will be present to pick up and preserve evidence collected during the exam.)
A note on preserving evidence:
Preserve any physical evidence of violence, such as sheets, towels, clothing, etc. Because evidence of an assault can deteriorate quickly, you may want to seek a medical exam as soon as possible.- Do not disturb the scene of the crime.
- Inform the nurse and/or the police of all details of the attack (no matter how intimate).
- Save texts, emails, photos, etc.
Contact Confidential Resource
A Confidential Resource is someone designated by the University that a student may speak to in confidence. These individuals are do not to share information shared by the student, other than the type of incident reported, with the Title IX Coordinator or anyone else, unless the student requests.