Finance (FINC) Course Descriptions
3301 Real Estate Fundamentals (3-0). A broad survey of real estate fundamentals including real and personal property, ownership and estates in land, agency relationships, contract requirements, Fair Housing Laws, and legal descriptions. Also included, the appraisal process, real estate financing, depreciation and current market valuation, as well as selling, marketing and purchasing real estate.
3348 Retirement Planning (3-0). This course focuses on retirement planning for the business, the business owner, and the individual. It consists of two major parts. The first covers qualified plans, nonqualified plans, and IRAs; the second part deals with the retirement needs of individual clients. This course emphasizes the practical knowledge needed for choosing the best retirement plan and designing a plan that will meet a client’s needs from a tax and retirement standpoint.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
3360 Money and Banking (3-0). The role of money, financial markets, and institutions. Monetary theory, central bank monetary policy, and the international financial system. (Credit may not be earned for this course and Economics 3360.)
Prerequisite: Economics 2301.
3361 Financial Management (3-0). Financial management of the firm; valuation of the firm; working capital policy; capital budgeting; cost of capital; and long-term financing.
Prerequisites: Agricultural Economics 4342 or Management 2331, and Accounting 2301.
3362 Personal Finance (3-0). Income and expenditure patterns; consumer protection and financial analysis of consumer problems; and personal money management.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
3364 General Insurance (3-0). Theory of insurance and risk; types of insurance companies; contract terms and clauses; basic features of life, property, liability, and health insurance from a consumer’s viewpoint.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
3365 Corporate Financial Practices (3-0). Capital markets and valuation of the firm; capital budgeting; cost of capital; and leverage.
Prerequisite: Finance 3361.
4324 Credit Analysis and Lending (3-0). Provides an in depth understanding of credit and lending in financial institutions with a primary focus on banks. Will be delivered with a combination of lectures and cases. Course will include discussion with banking industry leaders.
Prerequisites: Accounting 3311 or Finance 3361.
4347 Estate Planning (3-0). Various aspects of estate and gift tax planning-including the nature, valuation, transfer, administration, and taxation of property are discussed. Particular emphasis is given to a basic understanding of the unified estate and gift tax system. This course covers gratuitous transfers of property outright or with trusts, wills, and powers of appointment. It also covers federal estate and gift taxation, the marital deduction, and various estate planning devices used in the estate planning process. In addition, the client interview, fact-finding, ethical standards, and the development of appropriate personal estate plans are discussed.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
4361 Financial Institution Administration (3-0). The role of financial institutions in the economy; depository and non-depository financial institutions; legal environment; organizational structure; asset/liability management; and international aspects.
Prerequisite: Finance 3360 or Accounting 2302.
4363 Investments (3-0). Basic principles of investment; types of investment media; sources of information; characteristics of stocks and bonds; selection of securities; construction of an investment portfolio; and investment companies.
Prerequisite: Finance 3361.
4364 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (3-0). Investment objectives; risk and return; analysis and selection of investment securities, timing; portfolio theory, and applications; and evaluation of portfolio performance.
Prerequisites: Finance 3361.
4367 International Finance (3-0). An examination of the international monetary system from World War II to present, transition from fixed to floating exchange rates. Emphasis given to interest arbitrage, spot and forward exchange rates, foreign exchange exposure and risk, reducing foreign exchange risk, capital budgeting and import/export financing in the study of multinational finance.
Prerequisite: Finance 3361.
4370 Applied Financial Planning (3-0). Integrates the financial planning content areas into the development of comprehensive financial plans.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
4371 Internship. Students will participate in a structured work experience at the management trainee level. A pass or fail grade will be assigned by the instructor based on input on student performance from the employment supervisor and other agreed-upon requirements. May be repeated once for credit with approval.
Prerequisite: Approval of both the supervising instructor and the department chair.
4381 Special Topics (3-0). Selected topics in finance. May be repeated one for credit when topic varies.
4391 Research. A specialized course which may be directed reading or research for superior students majoring in finance.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
6301 Financial Management (3-0). Corporate financial management decision-making techniques emphasized in areas of planning the financial structure, management of assets, capital budgeting, obtaining capital, and management of income.
6304 Healthcare Financial Management (3-0). Analysis of financial strategies for healthcare organizations. Topics include financial environment of healthcare institutions, financial statement analysis, project management, service line analysis, capital project analysis, resource allocation and performance evaluation.
6311 Small Business Competition Seminar (3-0). As a seminar course, students will complete a Small Business Management Certification Program from the local Small Business Development Center. In addition to the certification requirements the student is required to write a business plan for a business of choice or assigned. Course will require participation in various off campus locations. (Credit may not be earned for this course and Management 4311 in their undergraduate degree.)
Prerequisite: Departmental approval required.
6324 Credit Analysis and Lending (3-0). Provides an in depth understanding of credit and lending in financial institutions with a primary focus on banks. Will be delivered with a combination of lectures and cases. Course will include discussion with banking industry leaders.
Prerequisite: Finance 6301.
6347 Estate Planning (3-0). Various aspects of estate and gift tax planning. Emphasis is given to a basic understanding of the unified estate and gift tax system. This course covers gratuitous transfers of property outright or with trusts, wills, and powers of appointment. It also covers federal estate and gift taxation, the marital deduction, and various estate planning devices used in estate planning process. Includes project in estate planning.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
6361 Financial Institution Administration (3-0). The role of financial institutions in the economy; depository and non-depository financial institutions; legal environment; organizational structure; asset/liability management; and international aspects. Course meets concurrently with Finance 4361 but requires additional readings, papers, discussions, and/or presentations for graduate students. For cross-listed courses across levels, there should be additional rigor/requirements for the graduate students.
Prerequisite: Finance 6301.
6371 Internship in Finance. A structured assignment with a company. A pass or fail grade will be assigned by the instructor based on input on student performance by the employment supervisor using the required weekly journals prepared by students.
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
6381 Special Topics (3-0). A study of selected topics in finance. May be repeated once for credit when topic varies.