Range and Wildlife Management (RWM) Course Descriptions
2321 Forage Production and Utilization (3-0). A study of the classification, distribution, production, and utilization of rangeland forages as related to wildlife and livestock production systems.
2322 Rangeland Soil Science (2-2). An introduction to the nature and properties of soils. Application of science and technology to the use of this natural resource and the roles in the environment.
3331 Principles of Range Management (2-2). Application of ecological principles in the management of rangelands for sustained production.
3332 Range Improvement (2-2). Principles and practices of range improvements including weed and brush control, revegetation, fertilization, and grazing systems.
Prerequisite: Range and Wildlife Management 3331.
3335 Range Plants (2-2). A study of the important range plants and range ecosystems of Texas and other western states. The identification, distribution, ecological and economic value of introduced and native species will be emphasized.
4331 Wildlife Management Technique (2-2). Students will be introduced to a variety of wildlife management techniques and equipment used to manage a host of wildlife species ranging from insects and reptiles to small mammals, birds, and big game. Techniques studied will include population survey methodology, animal capture and handling, harvest analysis of game species, habitat assessment, aging, field necropsy and sample extraction techniques, as well as study and recognition of the more common wildlife diseases.
4333 Range Wildlife Management (2-2). Introduction to the ecology and management of wildlife populations, integration of other resource demands with that of wildlife.
4334 Big Game Ecology and Management (2-2). A study of the distribution and life histories of North American big game species with a focus on those major games species, including exotic game species, found in Texas.
4336 Range Inventory and Research (3-0). Techniques of investigating current research topics with additional instruction on vegetation sampling and diverse plant species population inventory considerations.
4337 Natural Resource Policy and Law (3-0). This course will introduce students to the history, processes of making and implementing federal and state laws, importance of laws and use of laws in range and wildlife management. The course will analyze the property and constitutional underpinnings of state and federal wildlife laws, look at reasons for the enactment of a law, address how laws influence natural resource management and policy, and use case laws as examples for the structuring of federal and state regulations of rangelands and wildlife. The course will also focus on a few federal statutory laws, including the Endangered Species Act, Lacey Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Taylor Grazing Act. Additionally, the course considers wildlife law in other countries compared to the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.
4381 Special Topics (3-0). Selected topics in range management or wildlife management. May be repeated once for credit when topic varies.
4391 Research. Individual research problems. (May be repeated to a total of six semester hours credit.)
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
4435 Plant Taxonomy (3-3). In this course, students will uncover historical roots and principles of plant classification. This course integrates the study of diverse groups of plants, including non-vascular plants (mosses and liverworts), seedless vascular plants (ferns), gymnosperms, and culminates in the exploration of the vast diversity of angiosperms. Students will engage with both classical concepts and new techniques, learning about modern molecular techniques and newest advances in computational sciences in plant identification. (Credit may not be earned for this course and Biology 4435.)