Agriculture (AG) and Agricultural Economics (AGEC) Courses
1191 Agriculture Research. (Independent) Individual research problems. Students interested in research at an introductory level.
Prerequisites: Student must be in the freshman research program and have permission of the department.
1391 Agriculture Research. (Independent) Individual research problems. Students interested in research at an introductory level.
Prerequisites: Agriculture 1191. Student must be in the freshman research program and have permission of the department.
4091 Internship Credit: 1 to 9. A supervised course providing practical on-the-job experience in the student’s minor. Grading will be either pass or fail. Student may repeat course for up to a maximum of 9 hours credit.
Prerequisites: Senior standing and approval of department chair; 2.50 or better GPA in major and overall.
2317/AGRI 2317 Introductory Agricultural Economics and Business (3-0). Orientation to Agricultural supply businesses, farm and ranch management, food markets, capital markets, etc. Course will provide an overview of the role of agriculture in the U.S. and world economies.
3330 Agricultural Marketing and Price Analysis (3-0). This course provides students with an introduction to how agricultural products move through markets, and the quantitative skills necessary to analyze price changes in markets. Topics covered include market structures, interactions between buyers and sellers in different market structures, consumer behavior, and the agribusiness supply chain.
3331 Farm and Ranch Business Management (3-0). An overview of the specific concepts and skills related to organization and management of small businesses, including farms, ranches, input suppliers, and commodity processors. Course topics include the economics of farm production, financial analysis and control using the recommendations of the Farm Financial Standards Council, and developing, operating, and cash flow budgets.
4305 Agricultural Policy and Analysis (3-0). This course provides an introduction to the application of economic principles to the analysis of public policy, highlights important policies that affect agriculture and agribusiness, and explains how these policies affect agricultural production.
4306 International Agricultural Trade and Marketing (3-0). An overview of the economic, management, and marketing principles related to producing and selling agricultural products in a international environment. Course topics include the economics of international trade, the institutions involved in importing and exporting agricultural products, and the policies that govern international trade.
4317 Commodity and Futures Trading (3-0). This course provides an overview of the basic concepts related to interacting with commodities and futures markets. An economic perspective will be used to analyze the use of these markets as management tools.
4331 Farm and Ranch Management (3-0). Principles of farm and ranch organization and management. Development of a business plan to include executive summary of business, resource inventory, SWOT analysis, legal and liability assessment, goals, production plans, financial analysis and marketing plans.
4335 Risk Management (3-0). This course introduces students to the principles and techniques of risk management in agriculture and agribusiness industries.
4342 Agribusiness Statistics (2-2). Statistical methods with applications in agribusiness and resource management.
4351 Land and Natural Resource Economics (3-0). Economic analysis of resource issues, policies and management. Issues could include: land fragmentation, mineral extraction issues, conservation easement and development rights, urbanization, renewable resources, carbon sequestration, property rights and water rights.
4381 Special Topics (3-0). A course dealing with selected topics in agricultural economics. (May be repeated once for credit when topic varies.)
4391 Agricultural Economics Research. Individual research problems. May be repeated to a total of six semester hours credit.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.