Their efforts were joined by Dr. Gerald Raun in the early 1970s.
Raun made large additions to the collection, bringing the total to more than 10,000 specimens. Raymond Stone curated the collection from 1983-85.
Under the subsequent curation of Dr. J. Kelly McCoy, the collection grew to more than 14,000 specimens. Most specimens are from west-central to north-central Texas, but other areas of the U.S. and Mexico are also represented. Currently, the curator is Dr. Michael Dixon.
The collection includes a large series of many Concho Valley species collected by Dr. Royce Ballinger and his students. Voucher specimens from surveys of Devil’s River State Natural Area and Monahans Sandhills State Park are also housed in the collection. A significant number of specimens from northern Mexico were acquired from Tarleton State University.
Specimen information for the Collection of Amphibians and Reptiles can be found on Arctos. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of catalog information, researchers are encouraged to verify information before use or publication. Please contact the curator for more details.
The collection is available for study by all qualified visitors who set up an appointment or request a loan.
Requests for loans from recognized institutions will be honored. Requests must be in writing from the researcher borrowing the material. Loans are made for a period of one year with extensions possible by written request. No destructive sampling is permitted without prior consent.
To search ASNHC Amphibians and Reptiles records, go to Arctos and select the Angelo State Natural History Collections (ASNHC) Amphibian and Reptile specimens (ASNHC:Herp) from the drop-down menu.