Civil Engineering (CENG) Courses
3311 Introduction to Transportation Engineering (3-0). Introduction to Transportation Engineering is an entry level transportation engineering course. The course covers general knowledge in all the transportation fields including: traffic characteristics and flow theory, transportation planning, geometric design of highways, and traffic safety.
Prerequisites: Engineering 2301 and Physics 2326, 2126. Completion or concurrent enrollment in Engineering 3305.
3332 Construction Materials and Pavement Design (2-3). Evaluation of civil construction materials for engineering applications. Physical properties of aggregates, asphalt, cement, concrete, and wood. Pavement types, stresses in flexible and rigid pavements, and traffic considerations. Methods of pavement design. Related ASTM test specifications and materials characterization for different construction materials.
Prerequisites: Civil Engineering 3311, Civil Engineering Majors only, or Department permission.
3341 Geotechnical Engineering (2-3). Introduction to geotechnical engineering and testing. Identification and classification tests, flow net, principles of settlement, stresses in soils and shear strength testing.
Prerequisites: Engineering 2332; Civil Engineering Majors only, or Departmental permission.
3351 Introduction to Environmental Engineering (2-3). This course introduces the fundamental concepts in environmental engineering dealing with water, air, and land pollution. The course will cover environmental legislation, various environmental issues, natural water system, mass balance, environmental parameters, basic water chemistry, drinking water and wastewater treatment system, solid and hazardous waste management, and introduction to air pollution control.
Prerequisites: Chemistry 1311, 1111; Completion or concurrent enrollment in Engineering 2302.
3352 Hydrology and Hydraulics (2-3). The hydrologic budget: precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, runoff, and steady state groundwater flow. Rainfall-runoff analysis, flood routing and hydrologic frequency analysis. Hydraulics of closed conduits and open channel flow with design applications in culverts, pumps, water distribution, storm and sanitary sewer systems.
Prerequisite: Engineering 3305, 3404.
3353 Hazardous Waste and Site Remediation (3-0). Definition and classification of wastes encountered at contaminated sites. Principles underlying currently available site remediation technologies. Selection of treatment technology using EPA’s screening matrix. Engineering design of remediation systems such as pump-and-treat, bioremediation, and soil vapor extraction.
Prerequisite: Civil Engineering 3351.
3361 Structural Analysis I (3-0). Calculation of axial forces, shear forces, bending moments, and elastic deflections in statically determinate/indeterminate structures using classical and matrix methods. Topics include structural design methodologies, load path, basic tension/compression member design, determinate/indeterminate analysis of trusses/beams/frames, influence lines, virtual work, force method, and an introduction to matrix structural analysis.
Prerequisite: Engineering 2332.
3362 Structural Analysis II (3-0). Analysis of statically indeterminate structures using approximation methods, energy, and/or matrix methods. Direct stiffness and flexibility methods are discussed as are a variety of application in structural analysis software.
Prerequisites: Civil Engineering 3361 and one of the following: Computer Science 1314, Computer Science 1336, or Engineering 2304; Civil Engineering Majors only, or Departmental permission.
4071 Civil Engineering Internship (1-6). Internship in Civil Engineering. Course may be repeated for up to six units total credit.
Prerequisite: Departmental permission.
4091 Independent Study (1-6). Independent study or individual research problems in Civil Engineering. May be repeated for a total of 12 credits.
Prerequisite: Civil Engineering Majors only with Junior or Senior standing. Departmental permission.
4311 Transportation Design (3-0). This course provides students with an understanding of the basic principles and techniques of highway design—criteria controlling geometric design of highways including design speed, design volume, vehicle requirements and capacity. The course will explore transportation planning elements that impact design decision, selection of potential routes, design of alignments and intersections, evaluation of earthwork requirements, application of computer software in highway design, the determination of pavement conditions, and the design of flexible and rigid pavements. There will be three class projects involving geometric design, pavement management, and pavement design.
Prerequisites: Civil Engineering 3311; Civil Engineering Majors only, or Departmental permission.
4341 Foundation and Retaining Wall Design (3-0). Application of principles of classical soil mechanics and structural concrete design to the design and analysis of shallow foundations and retaining structures.
Prerequisites: Civil Engineering 3341. Completion or concurrent enrollment in Civil Engineering 4362.
4351 Water and Wastewater Treatment Design (3-0). Principles of physical, chemical, and biological processes for the water and wastewater treatment. Design treatment technologies including coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, absorption, chemical oxidation/disinfection, membrane filtration, biological treatment processes, and sludge management.
Prerequisites: Civil Engineering 3351; Civil Engineering Majors only, or Departmental permission.
4352 Hydraulic System Analysis (3-0). Analysis and design of hydraulic systems including pipe networks, open channels, sanitary sewer, storm management, water storage tanks and pumping systems.
Prerequisite: Civil Engineering 3404; completion or concurrent enrollment in Civil Engineering 3352.
4362 Concrete Design (3-0). Analysis and design of beams, one-way slabs and columns. Mechanics, behavior and design of reinforced concrete members subject to axial loads, bending and shear with ACI specifications.
Prerequisite: Civil Engineering 3361; Civil Engineering Majors only, or Departmental permission.
4363 Steel Design (3-0). Design and behavior of steel structures using AISC specifications with LRFD. Design topics include compression members, stability, beams, tension members, and concentric bolted/welded connections. Students will work in groups to design a 3-4 story, gravityloaded steel-framed building.
Prerequisite: Civil Engineering 3361; Civil Engineering Majors only, or Departmental permission.
4366 Bridge Design (3-0). Bridge design in structural steel and reinforced concrete using AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications. Preliminary designs include investigating alternative structural systems and materials. Final designs include preparation of design calculations and sketches.
Prerequisites: Civil Engineering 3361. Completion or concurrent enrollment in Civil Engineering 4362 or 4363.
4380 Civil Engineering Senior Design (1-4). Civil Engineering capstone experience. Engineering concepts integrated from topics taught in sequences of upper-division courses to produce practical, efficient and feasible solutions of civil engineering problems. Computer applications are included. Final oral and written reports are required. Intended to be taken in the final semester.
Prerequisites: Senior standing within one semester of graduation. Departmental permission.
4381 Special Topics in Civil Engineering (3-0). Special topics in civil engineering. Course may be repeated for credit when topics vary.
Prerequisite: Departmental permission.