Commercial Aviation (CAV) Course Descriptions
1301 Introduction to Aviation (3-0). The development of aviation from early attempts to space travel, as well as an introduction to private flying fundamentals, including career opportunities in the aviation industry.
1351 Private Pilot Flying (3-0). Dual and solo flight instruction designed to prepare the student for FAA Private Pilot certification. Special fee. Restricted to only one flight class per semester.
Corequisites: Commercial Aviation 1301, 1356, 1550.
Additional requirements: Valid Driver’s License, current medical certificate, aircraft renters insurance.
1356 Applied Meteorology (3-0). Basic weather theory and information services available, including how to interpret various reports and forecasts provided by the National Weather Service and the Federal Aviation Administration.
1550 Private Pilot Ground (5-0). Principles of flight; the flight environment; aircraft systems and performance, basic and radio navigation; flight planning; physiology; federal aviation regulations. Designed to prepare the student for the FAA Private Pilot written examination.
Corequisites: Commercial Aviation 1351, 1356.
2340 Aircraft Engine Operation (3-0). The study of aircraft engine types; their design, construction, and operation. Review of auxiliary engine systems as part of the aircraft power plant system.
Prerequisite: Commercial Aviation 1550.
2350 Instrument Pilot Ground (3-0). Aircraft instruments. FAA regulations, ATC procedures, radio navigation, SIDS, STARS, communications phraseology, aircraft operations, and aircraft performance as applied to instrument flying and flight planning. Designed to help the student prepare for the FAA written examination.
Prerequisite: Private Pilot Certificate 3.
2353 Commercial/Instrument I (3-0). Aircraft instruments. FAA regulations, ATC procedures, radio navigation, SIDS, STARS, communications phraseology, aircraft operations, and aircraft performance as applied to instrument flying and flight planning. Designed to help the student prepare for the FAA written examination. Restricted to only one flight class per semester.
Corequisite: Commercial Aviation 2350.
Prerequisites: Commercial Aviation 1351.
Additional requirements: FAA issued Private Pilot Certificate, valid Driver’s License, current medical certificate, aircraft renters insurance.
2354 Commercial/Instrument II (3-0). Dual and solo flying to prepare the student for navigation and high performance aircraft phase checks. Solo practice and solo cross country. Special fee. Restricted to only one flight class per semester.
Prerequisite: Commercial Aviation 2350, 2353.
Additional requirements: Valid Driver’s License, current medical certificate, aircraft renters insurance.
2355 Commercial/Instrument III (3-0). Dual and solo flying to prepare the student for the instrument approach phase check and final phase check for the Instrument Rating and Commercial Pilot Certificate. Solo practice and solo cross country. Dual cross country. Special fee. Restricted to only one flight class per semester.
Prerequisites: Commercial Aviation 2354, 2362 or permission of department chair.
Additional requirements: Valid Driver’s License, current medical certificate, aircraft renters insurance.
2362 Commercial Pilot Ground (3-0). Procedures, operations, and regulations necessary to prepare the student for the FAA Commercial Pilot Airplane written examination.
Prerequisites: Commercial Aviation 2340 and a minimum of a Private Pilot Certificate.
3163 Multi-engine Flight (1-0). Dual flight instruction designed to prepare the student for the FAA Multi-engine Airplane Rating. Special fee.
Prerequisite: Instrument Rating Certificate.
3352 Multi-engine Ground (3-0). Procedures, operations, maneuvers, and dual flight designed to prepare the student for FAA Multi-engine Airplane Rating.
Prerequisite: Private Pilot license.
3357 Aerodynamics (3-0). A study of aircraft design and performance.
3371 Aviation Law (3-0). Overview of federal, state, and local government impact on the aviation sector, including trends in transportation policy.
3372 Human Factors in Aviation (3-0). Examination of the importance of interpersonal skills and human interaction in relation to safety and effectiveness in the aviation environment. Includes the concepts of processes, role issues, and practice in implementing these concepts.
3373 Principles of Transportation (3-0). Development and practice of rail, motor, air, water, and pipeline carriers and shippers, including the influence of economic principles, government regulations, and public policy.
3374 Federal Aviation Regulation (3-0). A survey of the administrative laws, administrative law procedures, and civil penalty assessments of the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board. Includes the FARs, Advisory Circulars, the rule making process, violations, enforcement actions, seizures, expunction policy, appellate forum, and appeals to the U.S. Court of Appeals.
3375 Aviation Safety (3-0). Trends in aviation safety practices with an emphasis on future safety enhancements.
3380 Air Transportation (3-0). Economic aspects of passenger and cargo air transportation, including practices, problems, and regulations. A writing enhanced course.
3381 Air Traffic Administration (3-0). The background and operation of the Federal Aviation Administration with emphasis on the air traffic control system.
4192 Instrument Flight Instructor Ground and Flight (1-0). Ground and flight instruction of aeronautical knowledge necessary to instruct instrument flight maneuvers and procedures. Designed to prepare the student for the FAA CFII written and practical examinations. Special fee.
Prerequisites: Commercial Aviation 4331, 4332.
Additional requirements: FAA issued Certified Flight Instructor Certificate, valid Driver’s License, current medical certificate, aircraft renters insurance.
4331 Flight Instructor Ground (3-0). Ground instruction on fundamentals of instruction and aeronautical knowledge necessary to act as an instructor. Designed to prepare students for the FAA CFI written and practical exam. This course is a component of the culminating experiences for the flight operations track. Instrument Rating Certificate and Commercial pilot license. Fulfills the capstone experience requirement.
4332 Certified Flight Instructor Flying (3-0). Dual and solo flight designed to prepare the student for the FAA flight instructor airplane check ride. Special fee. Restricted to only one flight class per semester.
Corequisite: Commercial Aviation 4331.
Prerequisites: Commercial Aviation 3163, 3352.
Additional requirements: Valid Driver’s License, current medical certificate, aircraft renters insurance.
4350 Aviation Management (3-0). Application of management and other business and economic techniques to the problems of aviation managers. A component of the culminating experience for the aviation administration track. Fulfills the capstone experience requirement.
4360 Airport Management (3-0). Airline, commuter, and general aviation operations, terminal utilization, support facilities, disaster plans, noise abatement plans, community relations, airport financing, legislation and legal environment. This course is a component of the culminating experience for the aviation administration track. Fulfills the capstone experience requirement.
4387 Advanced Aircraft Systems (3-0). Introduction to aircraft systems commonly found in more complex airplanes. Includes turbojet power plants, hydraulic, flight control, electrical pneumatic, environmental, and warning/emergency systems. Boeing 727 aircraft is used as a model for the course. This course is a component of the culminating experience for the flight operations track.