Courses In Marketing (MKTG)
3321 Marketing (3-0). Covers the role of marketing within organizations and in society. Topics include marketing objectives, the marketing process, and elements of the marketing mix.
3322 Consumer Behavior (3-0). An integration of behavioral concepts in the analysis of consumer behavior and in marketing strategy formulation.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
3323 Sales (3-0). Topics include: Management of the personal selling function of firms; selection and training of sales personnel; performance evaluation; establishment of realistic sales goals; motivation of the sales force; coordination of personal selling with non-personal organization communications.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
3324 Sports and Entertainment Marketing (3-0). This course investigates the business of entertainment, including movies, concerts, theme parks, and sporting events that have a tremendous impact on our economy and provide many career opportunities. These activities are global in their reach and impact. Sports marketing is a growing division of the marketing field that focuses on the business of sports and the use of sports as a marketing tool.
3325 Promotion Management (3-0). A study of Integrated Marketing Communications and the traditional promotional mix: advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations, and personal selling. Including communication and promotion theories, campaign strategies, promotion budgeting, media analysis; and audience measurement.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
3326 Retailing (3-0). A study of the many facets of retailing to include the development of retail strategies, retail consumer behavior, product considerations, store location and layout, merchandise management, the buying function, promotional strategy, personal selling, management of human resources, controlling the retail operation, and consumer services.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
4091 Research: 1 to 6. A specialized course providing research opportunities for superior students. Grading will be either pass or fail.
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
4321 International Marketing (3-0). A study of the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories of marketing in an international setting. Particular attention is given to foreign environmental variables including political, legal, geographic and culture affecting marketing strategies. Global issues that challenge today’s marketer, techniques for successfully entering international markets and the basic elements of an international marketing mix are studied.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
4322 Digital and Social Media Marketing (3-0). A study of the changing digital marketing landscape with emphasis on search engine marketing, digital advertising, and social media marketing. Use of current market tools is stressed.
Prerequisite: Marketing 3321.
4325 Marketing Management (3-0). Case analysis involving strategy and tactics for the solution of marketing problems; decision-theory stressing the interdisciplinary nature of marketing management.
Prerequisites: Management 3332, Marketing 3321, 3322, and three elective hours in Marketing.
4331 Global Supply Chain Management (3-0). The course will focus on the integration of suppliers, logistics, production facilities, and distribution centers in order for customers to receive the right product at the right quantity and the right time. Also, emphasis will be given to issues of contract administration, location, and evaluation of foreign suppliers, exchange fluctuations, and customs procedures. Key concepts of supply chain management (SCM) and opportunities involving SCM strategy will be studied. In addition to conceptual topics, quantitative tools will also be presented in class. (Credit may not be earned for this course and Management 4331.)
4371 Internship in Marketing. Students will participate in a structured work experience at the marketing trainee level. A pass or fail grade will be assigned by the instructor basked on input on student performance from the employment supervisor and using the required weekly journals prepared by students. (Course may be repeated once for credit with permission of the instructor or department chair.)
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
4381 Special Topics (3-0). Special topics in marketing. (May be repeated once for credit when topic varies.)
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
6301 Marketing Management (3-0). An analysis of the marketing management process for all types of organizations. Included are the topics of (1) planning marketing activities, (2) directing the implementation of the plans, and (3) controlling marketing plans.
6323 Sales (3-0). Topics include: Management of the personal selling function of firms; selection and training of sales personnel; performance evaluation; establishment of realistic sales goals; motivation of the sales force; coordination of personal selling with non-personal organization communications.
6341 Healthcare Marketing Management (3-0). An examination of the segmentation, brand image management, and positioning strategies that underlie the strategic marketing practices of healthcare organizations. Topics include basic principles and key concepts related to the design and implementation of marketing efforts in healthcare organizations. The goal is to understand the process involved in the development and analysis of strategic healthcare marketing plans.
6371 Internship in Marketing. A structured assignment with a firm or agency. Grading will be either pass or fail. (May be repeated once for credit with permission.)
6381 Special Topics (3-0). A course dealing with selected topics in marketing. (May be repeated once for credit when topic varies.)