Motor Control and Balance Assessment
The motor control laboratory houses equipment capable of capturing local body movements (e.g., reaching) in 3-D with real-time tracking and visualization.
In addition, this laboratory is also equipped with the Biodex Balance System, which is capable of testing fall risks in older adults and single-leg balance in healthy/athletic populations.
Ascension trakSTAR magnetic motion analysis system
The electromagnetic motion analysis system is comprised of a mid-range wired transmitter and 8 wired sensors (Model 800: 8 mm wide). The system provides both position and rotation measurements with a total of 6 degrees of freedom. The system incorporates the pulsed DC magnetic technology which is 5 times less susceptible to distortion caused by nearby metal than AC technology. For upper extremity kinematics (as the main focus of the laboratory), one can examine shoulder proprioception, scapula kinematics, and end-point reaching accuracy for subjects with various pathologies (e.g., anterior shoulder instability).
The Motor Control Lab is located in the Ben Kelly Center for Human Performance, room 140.
Motor control of the ankle joint and the lower extremity
- Impact of acute and recurrent ankle sprains on ankle instability
- Impact of ankle position sense on ankle instability and balance control
- Ankle instability and its impact on balance control in various vulnerable populations (such as runners, ballet dancers, kicking athletes)
- The balance and strength training effects (short-term vs. long-term) in individuals with ankle instability
- The impact of wearing compression garments on static and dynamic balance control in younger and older individuals
Motor control of the shoulder joint and the upper extremity
- Shoulder position sense and movement sense in various vulnerable populations (such as tennis players and pitchers)
- The correlation between shoulder proprioception and end-point reaching accuracy
- The impact of fatigue on shoulder proprioception and upper limb kinematics
Abalos E, Hung Y. Immediate Effect of Warm-Up on Single-Leg Balance in Individuals with and without Functional Ankle Instability. In press.
Hung Y. The Effects of Compression Garments and Extrinsic Visual Feedback on Single-leg Balance Control. Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology. 3(1): Article 4, 2022
Hung Y, Boehm J, Leland K, Reynolds M, Whitehead K. Do Single-leg Balance Control and Lower Extremity Muscle Strength Correlate with Ankle Instability and Leg Injuries in Young Ballet Dancers? Journal of Dance Medicine and Science. 25(2):110-116, 2021
Huynh B, Tacker R, Hung Y. Active Ankle Position Sense and Single-Leg Balance in Runners versus Non-Runners. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 37(12):1429-1437, 2021
Collins K, Young S, Hung Y. The Impacts of Shoulder Position Sense, Vision, Racket Weight, and Gender on Racket Positioning Accuracy in Tennis Players. International Journal of Exercise Science. 13(1):1086-1097, 2020
Hung Y, Felts A, Francis A, Kupper K. The Long-Term Effect of a Health and Fitness Testing Program for College Freshman: Does Knowledge Empower Change? Journal of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine 2(2): 46-51, 2018
Grove J, Hung Y. Body Fat Prediction Equations for Skinfold and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Using Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Data as the Criterion. Journal of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine 1(1): 5-11, 2017
Hung Y, Miller J. The Impact of Extrinsic Visual Feedback and Additional Cognitive or Physical Demands on Single-limb Postural Control in Individuals with Ankle Instability. World Journal of Orthopedics 7(12): 801-807, 2016
Vercher P, Hung Y, Ko M. The Effectiveness of Incorporating a Play-Based Intervention to Improve Functional Mobility for a Child with Relapsed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: a Case Report. Physiotherapy Research International 21(4): 264-270, 2016
Hung Y. Neuromuscular Control and Rehabilitation of the Unstable Ankle. World Journal of Orthopedics 6(5): 434-438, 2015
Hung Y. Effects of Surgical Repair on Active Shoulder Position Sense and 3-Dimensional
Reaching Accuracy in a Patient with Anterior Shoulder Instability. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 30 (3): 165-170, 2014
Hung Y, Darling W. Scapular Orientation during Planar and 3-Dimentional Upper Limb Movements in Individuals with Anterior Shoulder Instability. Physiotherapy Research International 19 (1): 34-43, 2014
Ko M, Chiu Y, Hung Y. Dynamic Postural Control in Order People with Diabetes during Gait Initiation. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics 31 (4): 345-353, 2013
Hung Y, Darling W. Kinesthetically Guided Reaching Accuracy in Individuals with a History of Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Instability. Orthopedic Research and Reviews 5: 43-49, 2013
Hung Y, Darling W. Shoulder Position Sense during Passive Matching and Active Positioning Tasks in Individuals with Anterior Shoulder Instability. Physical Therapy 92 (4): 563-573, 2012
Hung Y, Gross M. Effect of Foot Position on Electromyographic Activity of the Vastus Medialis Oblique and Vastus Lateralis during Lower Extremity Weight-Bearing Activities. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 29(2): 93-105, 1999
Presentations: -
Paswan S, Hernandez D, Hung Y. The Effect of Shoe Collar Height on Single-Leg Balance in Individuals with Functional Ankle Instability. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. San Antonio TX. February 3rd 2022 (poster presentation)
Hung Y. The Effects of Compression Garments and Extrinsic Visual Feedback on Single-leg Balance Control. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. 2021 (virtual poster presentation)
Charles S, Dombkowski T, Fannie A, Hung Y. The Impact of Fatigue on Shoulder Proprioception and Upper-Limb Kinematics in Collegiate Baseball Pitchers: A Preliminary Report. Texas Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. October 26th 2020 (virtual poster presentation)
Collins K, Young S, Hung Y. The Effects of Vision, Racket weight, and Gender on the Accuracy of Upper Limb Positioning in Tennis Players. Texas Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. Woodlands, TX. October 12th 2019 (poster presentation)
Hung Y, Boehm J, Harrison K, Reynolds M, Whitehead K. The correlation of lower extremity muscle strength with ankle stability and single-leg balance in young ballet dancers. Texas Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. Woodlands, TX. October 12th 2019 (poster presentation)
Collins K, Young S, Hung Y. The Effects of Vision and Racket Torque on the Accuracy of Upper Limb Positioning in Tennis Players. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. Washington DC. January 26th 2019 (poster presentation)
Scheller M, Hung Y. Comparing Ankle Stability and Single-Leg Balance in Athletes: Kickers versus Non-kickers. Texas Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. October 27th 2018 (poster presentation)
Huynh B, Tacker R, Hung Y. Active Ankle Position Sense and Single-Leg Balance in Runners versus Non-Runners. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. New Orleans, LA. February 23rd 2018 (poster presentation)
Schroeter B, Hung Y. Effects of EMG Biofeedback on Maximal Isometric Grip Strength and Endurance: A Preliminary Report. Texas Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. Corpus Christi, TX. October 28th 2017 (poster presentation)
Huynh B, Tacker R, Hung Y. Test-Retest Reliability of a Weight-Bearing Ankle Position Sense Test and Two Modified Single-Leg Balance Tests. Texas Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. Corpus Christi, TX. October 28th 2017 (poster presentation)
Hung Y, Miller J. The Effects of Balance versus Strength Training on Active and Passive Ankle Position Sense in Individuals with Ankle Instability. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. San Antonio, TX. February 18th 2017 (poster presentation)
Coleman K, Deegan S, Rew A, Nicks K, Huang H, Hung Y. Dog-Assisted Therapy in the Rehabilitation Clinic: A Single-Subject Case Study. Texas Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. Fort Worth, TX. October 29th 2016 (poster presentation)
Hung Y, Miller J. The Effects of Strength and Balance Training on Single Leg Standing Balance in Individuals with Ankle Instability: A Longitudinal Study. NEXT conference of the American Physical Therapy Association. Nashville, TN. June 9th 2016 (poster presentation)
Hung Y, Miller J. Comparison of Active and Passive Ankle Position Sense and its Correlation to the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. Anaheim, CA. February 20th 2016 (poster presentation)
Grove J, Hung Y. Body Fat Prediction Equations for Skinfold and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Using Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Data as the Criterion. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. Anaheim, CA. February 18th 2016 (poster presentation)
Miller J, Hung Y. The Impact of Extrinsic Visual Feedback and Additional Cognitive or Physical Demands on Single-Limb Postural Control in Individuals with Ankle Instability. Texas Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. Arlington, TX. October 24th 2015 (poster presentation)
Grove J, Hung Y. Correlation of Self-Reported Physical Activity Level and Body Mass Index with Body Composition in College Students. Texas Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. Arlington, TX. October 24th 2015 (poster presentation)
Grove J, Hung Y. Comparison of Skinfold and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis with Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry for Body Composition Analysis in College Students. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. Indianapolis, IN. February 7th 2015 (poster presentation)
Hung Y, Weise S, Holic B, Mezzacappa D, Vercher P. Anthropometric Measurements, Body Composition, and Cardiorespiratory Fitness between Hispanic and non-Hispanic College Students in a Hispanic Serving Institution. Texas Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. Arlington, TX. October 26th 2013 (poster presentation)
Grove J, Hung Y. Comparison of Skinfold and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis with Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry for Body Composition Analysis in College Students: a Preliminary Report. Texas Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. Arlington, TX. October 26th 2013 (poster presentation)
Hung Y. Effects of surgical repair on active shoulder position sense and 3-dimentional reaching accuracy in a patient with anterior shoulder instability. American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, UT. June 28th 2013 (poster presentation)
Ko M, Hung Y. Dynamic postural control in older people with diabetes during gait initiation. American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. Tampa, FL. June 8th 2012 (poster presentation)
Hung Y, Darling W. Kinesthetically Guided Reaching Accuracy in Individuals with Anterior Shoulder Instability. American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. National Harbor, MD. June 10th 2011 (poster presentation)
Hung Y, Darling W. Scapular Orientation during Upper Limb Movements in Individuals with Anterior Shoulder Instability. American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. National Harbor, MD. June 10th 2011 (poster presentation)
Hung Y, Darling W. Shoulder Position Sense in Individuals with Anterior Shoulder Instability. Society for Neuroscience Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. November 13th 2010 (poster presentation)
Hung Y, Darling W. Shoulder Position Sense and Kinesthetically Guided Reaching Accuracy in Individuals with Anterior Shoulder Instability: A Pilot Study. Midwest Graduate Student Biomechanics Symposium. Milwaukee, WI. September 22nd 2006 (platform presentation)
You-jou Hung (PI)
- $14,655 (funded)
- Can Wearing Compression Garments Alleviate the Negative Impact of Cognitive Loading on Balance Control in Older Adults with Fall Risks?
- 2022-2023/Faculty Research Enhancement Grant, Angelo State University
You-jou Hung (PI)
- $12,380 (funded)
- The Immediate and Short-Term Acclimated Effects of Wearing Compression Garments on Static and Dynamic Balance Control in Older Adults
- 2020-2021/Faculty Research Enhancement Grant, Angelo State University
You-jou Hung (PI)
- $8,063 (funded)
- Can Dynamic Single-leg Stability Tests Identify Ankle Instability and Predict Future Injuries in Ballet Dancers
- 2018-2019/Faculty Research Enhancement Grant, Angelo State University
You-jou Hung (PI)
- $2,500 (funded)
- The Effects of Compression Garments and Extrinsic Visual Feedback on Single-leg Dynamic Balance Control
- 2018-2019/Instructional Innovation/Research Development Mini Grant, Angelo State University
You-jou Hung (PI), Mansoo Ko
- $7,942 (funded)
- The Effects of Strength and Balance Training on Active Ankle Position Sense and Single Leg Standing in Individuals with Ankle Instability
- 2014-2015/Faculty Research Enhancement Grant, Angelo State University
You-jou Hung (PI), Shelly Weise
- $2,000 (funded)
- Body Composition and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Hispanic and non-Hispanic College Students: one year follow up study
- 2013-2014/Faculty Research Enhancement Grant, Angelo State University
Mansoo Ko (PI), You-jou Hung
- $14,834 (funded)
- Effectiveness of Gait Initiation as a Clinical Screening Tool for Identifying the Balance Deficits in People with Diabetes
- 2012-2013/Faculty Research Enhancement Grant, Angelo State University
You-jou Hung (PI), Shelly Weise
- $8,223 (funded)
- Body Composition and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Hispanic and non-Hispanic College Students: a longitudinal study
- 2011-2012/Faculty Research Enhancement Grant, Angelo State University