Courses in Physics (PHYS)
1101/PHYS 1101 General Physics I Laboratory (0-3). Laboratory experiences designed to accompany Physics 1301. Experiments to study mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves. (This course will not count as the introductory physics course for physics majors and pre-engineering majors.)
Prerequisite: Mathematics 1314 or equivalent.
1102/PHYS 1102 General Physics II Laboratory (0-3). Laboratory experiences designed to accompany Physics 1302. Experiments to study of electricity, magnetism, light, and atomic physics. (This course will not count as the introductory physics course for physics majors and pre-engineering majors.)
Prerequisite: Physics 1301 or equivalent.
1103/PHYS 1103 Stellar Astronomy Laboratory (0-2). Laboratory experiences to supplement Physics 1303. Topics included are stellar magnitudes and distances, spectroscopy and spectral classification, stellar evolution, stellar motions, galaxies, and cosmology. Some night observing sessions are required.
1104/PHYS 1104 Solar System Astronomy Laboratory (0-2). Laboratory experiences to supplement Physics 1304. Topics included are planetary orbits, telescopic observations of Saturn and Jupiter, lunar features, comets, celestial coordinates, celestial sphere concepts. Some night observing sessions are required.
1191 Freshman Research. Freshman research for students selected for a freshman research grant who are majoring in physics. This course satisfies the first semester of that research.
Prerequisite: Instructor approval required.
1301/PHYS 1301 General Physics I (3-0). Study of mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves. (This course will not count as the introductory physics course for physics majors and pre-engineering majors.)
Prerequisite: Mathematics 1314 or equivalent.
1302/PHYS 1302 General Physics II (3-0). Study of electricity, magnetism, light, and atomic physics. (This course will not count as the introductory physics course for physics majors and pre-engineering majors.)
Prerequisite: Physics 1301 or equivalent.
1303/PHYS 1303 Fundamentals of Astronomy (3-0). An introductory study of the current knowledge and techniques of astronomy. Stellar astronomy and cosmology will be emphasized.
1304/PHYS 1304 Astronomy of the Solar System (3-0). A study of the current knowledge and techniques of astronomy as applied to our solar system. Information obtained from recent planetary probes and lunar exploration will be emphasized.
1391 Freshman Research II. Freshman research for students selected for a freshman research grant who are majoring in physics. This course satisfies the second semester of that research.
Prerequisite: Instructor approval required.
1401/PHYS 1401 General Physics I (3-3). Study of mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves. (This course will not count as the introductory physics course for physics majors and pre-engineering majors.)
Prerequisite: Mathematics 1314 or equivalent.
1402/PHYS 1402 General Physics II (3-3). Study of electricity, magnetism, light, and atomic physics. (This course will not count as the introductory physics course for physics majors and pre-engineering majors.)
Prerequisite: Physics 1301/1101.
2125/PHYS 2125 Fundamentals of Physics I Laboratory (0-3). Laboratory experiences designed to accompany Physics 2325. Emphasis is placed on experiments utilizing the fundamental concepts of mechanics and thermodynamics.
2126/PHYS 2126 Fundamentals of Physics II Laboratory (0-3). Laboratory experiences designed to accompany Physics 2326. Emphasis is placed on experiments utilizing the fundamental concepts of electricity, magnetism, and optics.
2325/PHYS 2325 Fundamentals of Physics I (3-0). A comprehensive course with emphasis placed on the capacity to utilize the fundamental concepts of mechanics and thermodynamics in the solution of problems.
2326/PHYS 2326 Fundamentals of Physics II (3-0). A comprehensive course with emphasis placed on the capacity to utilize the fundamental concepts of electricity, magnetism, and optics in the solution of problems.
2371 Topics in Astronomy (3-0). An overview of relevant and current topics related to modern astronomy such as the beginnings of this field of science, NASA and the development of the space program, modern telescope design and operation, and the latest discoveries and research.
Prerequisites: Physics 1303, 1304.
2425/PHYS 2425 Fundamentals of Physics I (3-3). A comprehensive course with emphasis placed on the capacity to utilize the fundamental concepts of mechanics and thermodynamics in the solution of problems.
Prerequisite: Credit for or parallel registration in Mathematics 2413.
2426/PHYS 2426 Fundamentals of Physics II (3-3). A comprehensive course with emphasis placed on the capacity to utilize fundamental concepts of electricity, magnetism, and optics in the solution of problems.
Prerequisites: Physics 2325/2125 and credit for or parallel registration in Mathematics 2414.
3170 Observational Methods in Astronomy (1-0). Modern techniques used by astronomers to collect and analyze data from various sources. Topics will include instrument design and operation, processing of astronomical images, and data analysis using small and large datasets.
Prerequisites: Mathematics 2312 or 2412, Physics 1303, 1304.
3251 Advanced Physics Laboratory I (0-6). Advanced laboratory experiences related to Modern Physics and Nuclear Physics.
Prerequisites: Physics 2326/2126, and credit for or parallel registration in Physics 3361.
3252 Advanced Physics Laboratory II (0-6). Advanced laboratory experiences related to Optics and Electronics.
Prerequisites: Physics 2326/2126, Physics 3251.
3301 Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers (3-0). An introduction to specific mathematical topics as applied to standard problems in science and engineering.
Prerequisite: Credit for or parallel registration in Mathematics 3415.
3310 Computational Physics (3-0). An introduction to using numerical methods and computational techniques to solve physics problems, including numerical solutions to differential equations, Monte Carlo simulations, and graphical analysis. Case studies are largely drawn from the material presented in the introductory physics courses.
Prerequisites: Physics 2326/2126 and Computer Science 1314.
3331 Mechanics (3-0). Vectors, Newtonian mechanics, noninertial reference frames, central forces, systems of particles, rigid bodies, Lagrange’s equations, and oscillating systems.
Prerequisites: Physics 2326/2126, and credit for or parallel registration in Physics 3301.
3332 Thermal and Statistical Physics (3-0). A study of thermodynamics and statistical methods in physics with applications from classical and quantum physics.
Prerequisites: Physics 2326/2126, and credit for or parallel registration in Physics 3301.
3340 Electronics (3-0). A study of basic electronics and electronic principles and their uses in science.
Prerequisites: Physics 2326/2126.
3341 Electricity and Magnetism (3-0). Maxwell’s equations, electrostatics, magnetostatics, and electromagnetic waves.
Prerequisites: Physics 3301, and credit for or parallel registration in Physics 3361 or 3461.
3344 Digital Electronics (3-3). A study of the behavior of digital logic circuit elements, with an emphasis on applications in research instrumentation, industrial controls, and computer design.
Prerequisite: Computer Science 2336 or 3304 or Physics 2326/2126.
3361 Modern Physics (3-0). An introduction to special relativity, atomic physics, and nuclear physics.
Prerequisites: Physics 2326/2126 or equivalent; and Mathematics 2414 or equivalent.
3371 Astrophysics (3-0). Fundamental physical concepts applied to observational and theoretical astronomy. Emphasis will be on conceptual understanding of topics such as the life cycle of stars and the structure of the universe.
Prerequisites: Mathematics 2312 or 2412, Physics 1303, 1304, and 1301/1101 or 2326/2126.
4071 Internship: 1 to 6. Supervised internship with an approved cooperating business or government entity. May be repeated for a total of twelve credit hours.
Prerequisite: Consent of the department chair.
4091 Research: 1 to 6. Supervised research with a faculty member in physics. May be repeated for a total of twelve credit hours.
Prerequisite: Consent of the department chair.
4191, 4291, 4391 Research. Individual research problems for superior students majoring in physics. (May be repeated for a total of six semester credit hours.)
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
4300 Introduction to Geophysics (3-0). This course is an introduction to the geophysical methods used to explore the Earth’s subsurface with an emphasis on application. Topics include seismicity, ground penetrating radar, magnetics, gravity, and resistivity. (Credit may not be earned for this course and Geology 4300.)
Prerequisites: Geology 1303/1103, Mathematics 2413.
4352 Optics (3-0). A study of geometrical and physical optics with emphasis on applications to physics and related fields of study.
Prerequisites: Physics 2326/2126, and credit for or parallel registration in Physics 3301.
4361 Nuclear Physics (3-0). A study of the production and detection of nuclear radiation and its interaction with matter.
Prerequisites: Physics 2326/2126, and credit for or parallel registration in Physics 3301.
4363 Quantum Mechanics (3-0). A study of the fundamental principles of quantum theory with emphasis on both the Schroedinger and matrix formulations.
Prerequisites: Physics 3301, and credit for or parallel registration in Physics 3361 or 3461.
4381 Special Topics (3-0). A course dealing with selected topics in physics. May be repeated once for credit when the topic varies.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.