Undergraduate Courses in Sociology (SOC)
1301/SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology (3-0). Outline of the sociological perspective and a survey of topical studies in sociology. Representative topics may include family, politics, economy, religion, education, crime, population, environment, and others.
1306/SOCI 1306 Social Problems (3-0). Study of social problems and issues facing the United States. Major problems and issues are analyzed and alternative solutions are evaluated. The course is designed for non-majors as well as majors.
3302 Social Psychology (3-0). A survey of sociological social psychology. Topics include the effects of social institutions on individual behavior, personality and social structure, social identity, symbolic interactionism, social roles, social exchange, socialization, and intimate relationships.
3315 Marriage and Family (3-0). Marriage and family as social institutions and their relationship to other institutions, with emphasis on the American family in a time of rapid social change.
3316 Family Violence (3-0). An examination of family violence as a social problem. Topics may include the nature and description of family violence, the prevention of family violence, and contemporary intervention programs.
3325 Social Research and Data Analysis (3-0). A review of the methods of social research with a brief introduction to elementary statistics, data analysis, and practice in computer applications.
3341 Juvenile Delinquency (3-0). A study of the nature, extent, and varieties of delinquency in the United States relative to social institutions and peer groups. The course will survey historical and current theory as well as research pertaining to delinquent behavior, treatment, and prevention.
3343 Criminology (3-0). A survey of the nature and extent of crime in America. The course will examine classical and contemporary theory as well as research pertaining to criminal behavior, treatment, and prevention.
4301 Sociological Theory (3-0). Analysis of the main traditions of sociological thought.
Prerequisite: Sociology 1301.
4331 Life Course Sociology (3-0). A study of social dimensions and significance of experience aging through the life course from birth to death.
4339 Sociology of Education (3-0). Examines education as a social institution in the United States. Focuses on education and its relationship to social organization, social behavior, socialization, life-course development, and career development.
4341 Deviant Behavior (3-0). The study of normative behavior and deviation from social norms. Focuses on non-criminal and criminal deviance such as mental disorders, substance use and abuse, prostitution, interpersonal violence, suicide and self-harm, sexual deviance, and cyber/internet deviance.
4360 Applied Sociology (3-0). This course provides a survey of career fields in sociology and the skills needed to pursue them. Applications of sociology are examined. Also, applying to graduate school will be addressed. A major field test and portfolio assessment are required.
Prerequisite: Senior standing.
4362 Sociology of Health and Illness (3-0). An examination of sociological perspectives concerning health, health behavior, illness and disease, health institutions and organizations, health systems, and health professions.
4363 Sociology of Mental Health and Illness (3-0). An examination of sociological perspectives concerning mental health, mental illness, mental health institutions and organizations, mental health systems, and mental health professions.
4365 Social and Health Measurement (3-0). A survey of various social and health measures used in the social, behavioral, and health sciences. Reliability, validity, norms, and instrument selection; as well as, instrument administration, scoring, and interpretation are covered.
4381 Special Topics (3-0). Selected topics in sociology. (May be repeated once for credit when topic varies.)
4391 Research. A specialized course which may be directed reading or research for superior students majoring in sociology. (May be repeated once for credit.)
Prerequisites: Junior standing.