Courses in Theatre (TH)
1104 Rehearsal and Performance (0-3). A program of activities to include participation in the cast and/or production staff of at least one dramatic production each semester. (May be repeated for a maximum of four semester credit hours but may not be used to meet theatre major or minor requirements.)
1120/DRAM 1120 Theatre Practicum I (0-4). Practicum in theatre open to all students with emphasis on technique and procedures with experience gained in play productions.
1121/DRAM 1121 Theatre Practicum II (0-4). Practicum in theatre open to all students with emphasis on technique and procedures with experience gained in play productions.
1310/DRAM 1310 Introduction to Dramatic Art (3-0). A historical survey of the development of dramatic art; introduction to contemporary theatre practice.
1322 Stage Movement (3-0). Principles, practices, and exercises in body techniques and stage movement; emphasis on character movement and body control.
1330/DRAM 1330 Stagecraft I (3-0). Study and application of the methods and components of theatrical production which may include one or more of the following: theater facilities, scenery construction and painting, properties, lighting, costume, makeup, sound, and theatrical management.
1341/DRAM 1341 Stage Makeup (3-0). Design and execution of makeup for the purpose of developing believable characters. Includes discussion of basic makeup principles and practical experience of makeup application.
1342/DRAM 1342 Introduction to Costume (3-0). Principles and techniques
of costume design and construction for theatrical productions.
1351/DRAM 1351 Acting I (3-0). Study of acting techniques; vocal and physical training.
1352/DRAM 1352 Acting II (3-0). Study of acting techniques, vocal, and physical training with a focus on scene structure and character development.
2120/DRAM 2120 Theatre Practicum III (0-4). Practicum in theatre open to all students with emphasis on technique and procedures with experience gained in play productions.
2121/DRAM 2121 Theatre Practicum IV (0-4). Practicum in theatre open to all students with emphasis on technique and procedures with experience gained in play productions.
2310 Fundamentals of Theatre Design (3-0). The use of computers in designing for theatrical production, with study of computer graphics and other software for scenic, lighting, costume, sound, promotions, and projections design.
2321 Script Analysis (3-0). A study and application of the basic literary and theoretical structures characteristic of a wide variety of plays. Designed to provide students with the analytical tools for understanding dramatic texts and to give students experience in skillful application of analysis tools in critical thinking and artistic practice.
2331/DRAM 2331 Stagecraft II (3-0). Continued study and application of the methods and components of theatrical production that includes theatre facilities, lighting, and sound.
3311 Dramatic Literature (3-0). A critical study of representative 20th-21st Century drama with emphasis on script analysis, dramatic theory, and stage production.
3320 Vocal Production (3-0). Development of clear articulation and enunciation, correct pronunciation, proper vowel placement and control of the speaking voice through study and exercise specifically for the actor.
3331 Theatre Production Management (3-0). Management of the physical stage; production schedules; box office; public relations.
Prerequisite: Theatre 1351 or 1352.
3334 Theatre Design I (3-0). The theoretical and aesthetic concepts of design for the stage, focusing on the areas of scenery and costume design. This course will explore the elements and principles of design, the design process and visualization/communication skills.
Prerequisites: Theatre 1330, or consent of instructor.
3341 Theatre Design II (3-0). The theoretical and aesthetic concepts of design for the stage, focusing on the areas of lighting, sound, and projection design. This course will explore the elements and principles of design, the design process and visualization/communication skills.
3353 Acting III - Styles (3-0). An exploration of special problems the actor encounters with dramatic texts from various periods. Plays, manners, customs, and movement characteristics of Greek, Elizabethan, French Neoclassical, and Restoration periods will be studied through monologue work.
4301 Senior Seminar (3-0). Capstone course for all areas of theatre, emphasizing portfolio development and other preparation for entry into the theatre profession. Course topics also include: professional communication excellence, job interviewing, team communication, cultural sensitivity, and work-life balance.
4311 History of Dramatic Art I (3-0). A historical study of the theatre from primitive times to the Eighteenth Century. Course includes an examination of the physical theatre, acting styles, costumes and scenery, representative plays, and theories of drama applicable to the various periods under consideration.
4312 History of Dramatic Art II (3-0). A historical study of the theatre from the Eighteenth Century to the present. Includes a study of the physical theatre, development of modern drama, acting styles, and theories of drama applicable to the various periods under consideration.
4314 Playwriting (3-0). Analysis of play structure. Each student will write a one-act play to demonstrate comprehension of the processes involved.
4321 Directing (3-0). Basic techniques of directing for the stage; scene interpretation; pictorial composition. Students direct and supervise production of short scenes.
Prerequisites: Theatre 1330, 1351 or 1352.
4323 Advanced Theatrical Design (3-0). An advanced course in theatre design theory, techniques, materials, and processes. Consideration of theatre styles, and the development of creative methods and technical solutions to design problems. Emphasis is placed on designer collaboration.
4351 Acting IV - Advanced Acting (3-0). Focus on acting for the camera, alternative approaches to acting and preparation of career development process - development of resume, headshots, portfolio, auditioning, markets, etc. A study of the essential elements of theatre production. Criteria for evaluating and selecting plays and the philosophy of performance theories.
Prerequisite: Theatre 1351 or 1352, or permission of instructor.
4381 Special Topics (3-0). A course dealing with selected topics in theatre. May be repeated for a total of 12 credit hours when topic varies.
Prerequisites: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing.
4391 Research. A specialized course which may be directed reading or research for advanced students majoring in theatre. May be repeated for a total of 12 credit hours.
Prerequisites: Senior standing and department chair approval.