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DSSCJ Program Learning Outcomes

B.A./B.S. Criminal Justice

  1. Analytical and Critical Thinking: Students will proficiently apply analytical thinking, critical analysis, creativity and problem solving to a wide range of criminal justice problems. (Summative assessment by the end of program exam.)
  2. Competent Communication: Students will demonstrate competency in interpersonal, oral, and written communications in a criminal justice context.
  3. Contemporary Theory, Law, Policy, and Practice: Students will demonstrate knowledge of contemporary criminological theory, criminal law, and criminal justice policy and practice. (Summative assessment by the end of program exam.)
  4. Ethical and Moral Awareness: Students will demonstrate awareness of ethical and moral dilemmas pervasive across the fields associated with criminal justice and the responsibility professionals and citizens have to ensuring equal treatment under the law for all persons.

M.S. Criminal Justice

  1. Analytical and Critical Thinking: Students will demonstrate an ability to apply analytical thinking, critical analysis, creativity and problem solving to the wide range of Criminal Justice issues through the successful completion of active, graded discussions, and written assignments.
  2. Ethical and Moral Behavior: Students will demonstrate clear understanding of ethical and moral behavior by incorporating into their research and writing the principles of professional responsibility and equal treatment under the law for all persons across diverse and globalized societies.
  3. Mastery of Communication Skills: Students will demonstrate a mastery of communication skills with the professor and with fellow classmates, through graded, guided discussions, and written skills through a mastery of written assignments, as applied across the spectrum of Criminal Justice subjects. (This is an online program and oral communication skills are not applicable. Students interact through the Discussion Board.) 

B.S.S. Border and Homeland Security

  1. Analytical and Critical Thinking - Students will proficiently apply analytical thinking, critical analysis, creativity and problem solving to a wide range of Border Security and Homeland Security issues.
  2. Critical Reading and Writing Skills - Students will demonstrate critical reading and critical writing skills across the spectrum of Border Security and Homeland Security subjects.
  3. Ethical and Moral Dilemmas - Students will demonstrate awareness of ethical and moral dilemmas pervasive across the field associated with Border and Homeland Security and the responsibility professionals and citizens have to ensuring equal treatment under the law for all persons.
  4. Knowledge of Contemporary Theory and Practice - Students will demonstrate knowledge of contemporary theory and practice of the impact human migration, transnational crime, critical infrastructure vulnerability and protection, and terrorism has on National Security Policy, Border Security Policy, and Law (as appropriate to the specific topics incorporated in the course).
  5. Knowledge of Globalization - Students will demonstrate knowledge of the influence globalization has on sociological and cultural clashes as evidenced in the various aspects of Border and Homeland Security.

M.S. Homeland Security

  1. Analytical and Critical Thinking - Students will demonstrate an ability to apply analytical thinking, critical analysis, creativity and problem solving to the wide range of Border and Homeland Security issues through the successful completion of active, graded discussions, and written assignments.
  2. Communication Skills - Students will demonstrate a mastery of communication skills with the professor and with fellow classmates, through graded, guided discussions, and written skills through a mastery of written assignments, as applied across the spectrum of Border and Homeland Security subjects.
  3. Ethical and Moral Behavior - Students will demonstrate clear understanding of ethical and moral behavior by incorporating into their research and writing the principles of professional responsibility and equal treatment under the law for all persons across diverse and globalized societies.

B.S.S. Intelligence and Analysis

  1. Analytical and Critical Thinking - Students will proficiently apply analytical thinking, critical analysis, creativity and problem solving to a wide range of Intelligence, Security Studies, and Analysis issues.
  2. Critical Reading and Writing Skills - Students will demonstrate critical reading and writing skills across the spectrum of Intelligence, Security Studies, and Analysis subjects.
  3. Ethical Awareness and Moral Reasoning - Students will demonstrate acceptable ethical awareness and moral reasoning as applied to the fields associated with Intelligence, Security Studies and Analysis and the responsibility professionals have to ensuring equal treatment under the law for all persons.
  4. Contemporary Theory/Practice - Students will demonstrate knowledge of contemporary theory and practice of the impact that Intelligence, Security Studies, and Analysis has on national security policy.
  5. Globalization - Students will demonstrate knowledge of the influence globalization has on sociological issues as evidenced in the various aspects of Intelligence, Security Studies and Analysis.

M.S.S. Intelligence and Analysis

  1. Analytical and Critical Thinking - Students will proficiently apply analytical thinking, critical analysis, creativity and problem solving to the wide range of Intelligence, Security Studies and Analysis issues using current and developing technologies. Conduct independent and collaborative research in the field of Intelligence, Security Studies and Analysis.
  2. Critical Reading and Writing - Students will demonstrate critical reading and critical writing skills across the spectrum of Intelligence, Security Studies and Analysis subjects. (This is an online program and oral communication skills are not applicable. Students interact through the Discussion Board.)
  3. Ethical and Moral Behavior - Students will demonstrate a clear understanding of ethical and moral behavior throughout the program by incorporating principles of professional responsibility and equal treatment under the law for all persons into research and writing assignments. Demonstrate and ability to work in a diverse globalized environment.

M.S. Global Security Studies

  1. Communication - Students will demonstrate a mastery of oral skills with the professor and with fellow classmates, through graded, guided discussions, and written skills through a mastery of written assignments, as applied to global knowledge necessary to attain skills in the field of security studies.
  2. Ethical Principles - Students will demonstrate, comprehend, and practice, in the context of the global geopolitical environment, ethical principles regarding how individuals and diverse societies/nation-states interact with one another, and gain a thorough, demonstrated knowledge of the skills necessary to work effectively in a diverse international environment.
  3. Advanced Knowledge and Critical Thinking - Students will demonstrate an ability to apply advanced knowledge and critical thinking to national and international security as it applies to both issues and world regions, and show this ability through the successful completion of active, graded discussions, and written assignments.