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University Assessment Committee

The university assessment committee is composed of six faculty and six staff.  The committee is an executive body created to foster an atmosphere of continuous improvement in both administrative and academic units. The committee reviews strategic planning objectives and provides feedback to units and divisions on document outcomes, achievements, evidence, and continuous improvement plans based on mission and institutional goals and strategic priorities.  

In addition, the committee’s faculty review the academic colleges and departments analysis and results with a student support and success perspective on academic program improvement while promoting faculty ownership of the academic assessment process. This part of the process is co-chaired by the director of assessment.

Committee Responsibilities:

Executive Director of Accountability, Co-Chair
Professor/Director of Assessment, Co-Chair
Director of Development and Alumni Services
Associate Professor/Department Chair, Program Coordinator, M.A. Curriculum and Instruction
Director of Student Transitions and Title IX Compliance
Associate Professor
IT Quality Assurance, Contracts Specialist & Project Lead
Professor/Department Chair/Program Director/Davidson Chair
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs