University Assessment Committee
The university assessment committee is composed of six faculty and six staff. The committee is an executive body created to foster an atmosphere of continuous improvement in both administrative and academic units. The committee reviews strategic planning objectives and provides feedback to units and divisions on document outcomes, achievements, evidence, and continuous improvement plans based on mission and institutional goals and strategic priorities.
In addition, the committee’s faculty review the academic colleges and departments analysis and results with a student support and success perspective on academic program improvement while promoting faculty ownership of the academic assessment process. This part of the process is co-chaired by the director of assessment.
Committee Responsibilities:
- Serve a three-year term in the University Assessment Committee as representatives for their college
- Supports the mission of the university by guiding the “ongoing, comprehensive, and integrated research-based” reviews that result in continuous improvement institution-wide and aligns with the universities operating policy 02.01 Institutional Effectiveness
- Attend all the assessment committee meetings scheduled throughout the 12-month calendar
- Collaborate with planning units, faculty, and academic assessment liaisons in the maintenance and development of institutional planning and assessment practices
- Reviews assessment plans and reports and provides constructive feedback to the academic and administrative units and divisions
- Share assessment practices with committee members, department chairs, program coordinators and other relevant stakeholders
- Assist in implementing the ASU assessment cycle with a primary focus on program improvement
- Promote faculty ownership of the assessment process
- Support assessment efforts that are consistent with ASU’s IE plan and assessment cycle
- Support assessment efforts that result in continuous improvement in student learning and assessment
- Assist in monitoring and revising the university plan for assessing the Core Curriculum