Academic Success
Angelo State has a team of academic support offices to help you and your students be successful. Review the options below to help you identify where you need help.
Early Alert
If you are concerned about a student who is not performing well in your class or has been absent for several days, contact the Early Alert office at 325-486-6513, and one of our academic coaches will try to contact them.
Academic Integrity Tools
Interested in learning more about the academic integrity tools we have available for use with Blackboard? Contact the Center for Digital Learning and Instruction at or 325-942-2853 and we can talk to you about choosing the most appropriate tools for your course. A few options include TurnItIn, SafeAssign, Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor, and Gradescope.
Tutor Center
If your students are struggling with some of your course content, you may want to check out the Tutor Center website to see the subjects supported and the tutoring schedule. You can also get info about 24/7 online tutoring sessions that you can share with your students.
Student Handbook and Reporting Incidents
If you experience a breach of academic integrity in your course, you may first want to refer to ASU’s Student Handbook for guidance. You also have the option to report the incident to ASU’s Behavior Intervention Team.