Course Mapping
Creating a course map can be an important part of the instructional design process. It allows you to develop a plan for your course and enables you to see how each element works within the course design as a whole.
Backward Design
Course mapping goes hand-in-hand with an instructional design approach developed by Wiggins and McTighe (2005) called Backward Design. The approach follows this sequence:
- Identify the desired outcome for the student. What should the student know or be able to do after a learning experience?
- Determine what will be assessed.
- Select the teaching strategy (learning experience) that will most likely bring about the desired outcomes as measured by the selected assessment tool.
Creating a Course Map
To help you in the Backward Design approach, you can start with a table that becomes your course map. Typically, we recommend including columns for:
- Course-level Outcomes
- Module-level Outcomes
- Topics
- Activities
- Instructional Materials
- Assessments
Examples and More Help
If you would like to see examples of completed course maps and learn more about the development process the Online Course Mapping Guide website offers a wealth of information.
CDLI Support
If you would like help getting started with your course map, the CDLI’s instructional design team is happy to facilitate a meeting. Contact our office today at 325-942-2853 or