Leadership Team
The SACSCOC Leadership Team has the responsibility for
- Coordinating and managing the internal review process;
- Overseeing the institutional review of the extent of compliance with the Principles of Accreditation and the documentation of evidence supporting the extent of compliance;
- Ensuring that the institutional community is engaged in the review process and is informed of the progress of review;
- Overseeing the development and implementation of the Quality Enhancement Plan;
- Overseeing arrangements for the on-site visit.
Members include
- Dr. Don Topliff, Provost (chief academic officer)
- Ms. Brandy Hawkins, SACSCOC Liaison (Executive Director for Office of Accountability)
- Dr. Erin Ashworth-King, Associate Professor of English (Faculty Representative)
Ex-Officio: Ms. Angie Wright, Vice President for Finance and Administration