Student Teacher at the front of a classroom at the whiteboard

College of Education

Our students in the College of Education are prepared to become leaders in their respective fields, whether that is in the classroom, administration, counseling profession, or directorial or instructor roles within their organization.

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College Priorities

A student teacher working with children in a classroom

Educating the Leaders of Tomorrow

The demand for educators, counselors and administrators continues to grow in the state of Texas, as does the cost of higher education. You can help ensure that we meet the educational needs of our region and the state, while also ensuring our students graduate with their degree and as little debt as possible.

Dr. Scarlet Clouse, dean of the College of Education

Building on A Culture of Excellence

Our faculty are some of the best in the business. Continuing to invest in innovative teaching opportunities will allow us to attract and retain top professors, as well as allow our current faculty to build their expertise.

A student teacher working with children in a classroom

Providing Innovative Facilities

Our goal is to provide classroom-ready teachers, caring counselors and top administrators for school districts throughout the state and the nation, and that means making sure they are experienced with the latest in educational technology.

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Office of Development and Alumni Relations