Archer College of Health and Human Services

The mission of the Archer College Health and Human Services is to educate a student body from various backgrounds in the health and human service professions through rigorous curricular activities that prepare students to take leadership roles in a competitive, technological, multicultural and global environment; engage students and faculty in the discovery of knowledge through education, research, service and co-curricular experiences; and extend the boundaries of Angelo State University to enrich the quality of lives, especially for individuals in under-served and vulnerable populations, through inter-professional and community collaborations.

Support the Archer College Health and Human Services

College Priorities

Educating Future Leaders in Health, Wellness and Social Services

Many of the health and human services fields are suffering drastic employment shortages in our region, the state and the nation. You can ensure that the graduates of our college are prepared to immediately step into those roles and be the stewards of our health and wellness, both today and tomorrow.

An ASU Health Science Professions professor lecturing his students.

Recruiting and Supporting Outstanding Faculty

Investing in ambitious teaching and research initiatives will allow us to attract and retain top professors and clinicians, as well as elevate our current faculty.

Athletic training students looking using a simulator to study the body

Providing Transformative Facilities

Only by upgrading and expanding our current facilities while also exploring opportunities for new additions can we keep pace with the rapid advances in health, wellness, fitness, therapy and rehabilitation.

Support the Archer College Health and Human Services

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Office of Development and Alumni Relations