The recruitment process here at Angelo State is a non-binding process that can end at any point a prospective student wishes. Recruitment involves many activities enabling potential new members (PNM) to meet fellow students going through the process, as well as active members in each fraternity.
With social events and activities that are planned for the PNMs, the recruitment process serves as an unforgettable experience for anyone who chooses to participate in it.
A first-time freshman should have a high school equivalent GPA of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. A second-semester freshman, sophomore, junior or senior should have a college GPA of at least 2.5 to participate in recruitment.
All prospective members must attend all individual fraternity events during the second week of school to complete the recruitment process and be considered for a formal bid. A fee of $20 must be paid before bid is given out.
Full participation in formal recruitment is defined as attending the orientation session on the first day of recruitment and attending all individual chapter events. Absences must be excused by the Interfraternity Council (IFC) vice president of recruitment or the IFC president and coordinator for Greek Life, and made known to all fraternities.
All new members who accept bids after the last day of formal recruitment, but did not participate in the entire formal recruitment process (attend all fraternity events and submit an IFC Recruitment Registration Form), will be assessed a $40 informal recruitment fee. All fees will be paid to the IFC.
Recruitment participants will be provided refreshments during recruitment orientation. These refreshments are to be paid for with Interfraternity Council (IFC) funds.
Each fraternity’s presentation will be no longer than seven minutes. There will be no cursing, nudity, violence, alcohol or negative recruitment. Any violation will be sent to the Judicial Board.
If a potential new member is not able to fully participate in the formal recruitment process, he must go through the informal recruitment process and pay the $40 informal recruitment fee.
The Fraternity Check-In Form must be presented at bid acceptance to avoid a $40 informal recruitment fee.
No fraternity member is to be in the vicinity of the bid room on Bid Day. The IFC advisor or someone designated by the IFC advisor (not an undergraduate student) hands out bid cards.
The recruitment period is defined as the last day of the previous semester through Bid Day. The informal process begins on the following Monday after Bid Day.
Bids given informally may not be offered until the Monday after formal recruitment, and a $40 fee will be accessed.
It is the responsibility of each chapter’s recruitment chair and president to make sure the chapter’s members understand that a violation of any of these recruitment rules may subject a chapter to fines and/or judicial proceedings.
Violations will be reviewed by the Interfraternity Council (IFC) advisor on an individual basis, and all alleged violators will be given the chance to speak on their own behalf. If deemed necessary, the IFC advisor will refer cases to the Judicial Board.
The IFC Judicial Board consists of one senior member of each fraternity participating in formal recruitment. All judicial hearings are governed by Article IX of the IFC constitution.
A contact sheet of registered potential new members’ names and phone numbers will be distributed to the chapters two days prior to the beginning of Dry Recruitment.
All violations shall be submitted in writing (Incident Report) to the Greek Life coordinator within 14 days of Bid Day.
All potential new members must go through formal recruitment and pay a $20 fee. The fee must be paid before bid is given out.
A potential new member is anyone who is not affiliated with a National Interfraternity Conference (NIC) fraternity and is enrolled as a full-time (at least 12 hours) student at ASU.
Alcohol is strictly prohibited as part of any activity that may be considered related to membership recruitment as stated by the Lambda Chi Alpha, Pi Kappa Alpha, Kappa Delta Rho (Colony), and Kappa Sigma (Colony) fraternities, the National Interfraternity Conference and ASU Interfraternity Council.
No alcoholic functions will be held during formal recruitment with potential new members present.
A function is defined as any event hosted by a fraternity member, or any event in which eight or more active members are present.
During recruitment week, active members will not promote recruitment at a private function where alcohol is present.
Any fraternity found in violation of the alcohol policy will be referred to the Judicial Board.
During formal recruitment, fliers are created and posted by the IFC.
Chapters are not allowed to conduct events or interviews where alcohol is present.
Questions? Contact us!
Student Life 325-942-2062 Houston Harte University Center, Room 001