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Leader Guide

The Academy

The challenges facing our world are increasingly more complex with a global pandemic and other health care issues, political divides, environmental challenges, issues of social justice, long wars and, as we write this leader’s guide, an economy with world-wide inflation. While some may wonder what kind of world we are leaving to our next generation, we wonder about the next generation we are leaving to face the challenges we leave behind.

We created the President’s Academy for Life-Long Leaders to deliberately and intentionally develop our next generation within the Ram Family to be prepared to lead through these challenges. As we progress through our careers, we assume roles with more responsibility and increasingly greater challenges.

Our Academy programs will offer students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to be well-prepared to assume positions of great responsibility. The Academy is aligned with our university mission and vision.

The Compass Rose

The ASU logo in the middle of a compass with eight skills and values surrounding it. We use a compass to symbolize we are on a journey. As leaders, our journey is a life-long pursuit to hone our skills and develop our talents.

As we progress through our careers, we assume roles with more responsibility and increasingly greater challenges. This guide introduces our approach to preparing all members of the Ram Family for the challenges we will face as individuals and teams.

Leader Development Programs for Faculty, Staff and Students

Each of our programs is designed to build a solid foundation and enhance a leader’s skill set along the way. Ideally, a participant will complete these programs in order, but we also understand each leader has different leadership experiences and needs. We ask you to reflect on your leadership journey to see which of these programs will add value for you.

Thought Leaders

Many of the organizations we observed use leadertainment as a major focus for developing leaders. They engage authors or nationally recognized speakers to deliver presentations and then leave it to individuals to determine how to use the information, or not.

We took a different path. We have partnered with thought leaders on topics relevant to developing leaders of character. We have chosen to work with them over time and integrate their lessons into our programs. These are some of those with whom we are working:

Portrait of Ann Rhoades

Ann Rhoades

The driving force behind the culture at Southwest Airlines. She taught us how to build a cultural foundation on shared core values.

Portrait of Stanley McChrystal

Stan McChrystal

Retired Army four-star general and founder of the McChrystal Group. He taught us the power of collaborative communication and empowerment.

Portrait of Pat Lencioni

Pat Lencioni

Author of multiple books on building organizational health. He taught us the how to create vulnerability-based trust and to utilize the Working Genius model to get the right people in the right seats on the bus.

Portrait of Randy Conley

Randy Conley

Together with Ken Blanchard is helping us develop emotionally intelligent servant leaders who fundamentally know how to build trust.

Portrait of Carla Harris

Carla Harris

Former Vice-Chair of Morgan Stanley. She taught us her Pearls of Wisdom and the importance of helping young leaders find coaches, mentors, and sponsors to assist in their career development.

We have plenty of physical copies of the Leader Guide, and we would be happy to give you some. 

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