Registered Student Organization Advisors
An RSO advisor is a full-time, exempt faculty or staff member who assists in supporting the co-curricular learning environment through mentoring and role modeling for student organization leaders and members.
The Role of the Advisor
An advisor or student may wonder why a student organization would need a faculty or staff advisor. Besides being a requirement of Angelo State University registered student organizations, advisors provide organizations with assistance and advisement in many areas.
- serve as a “sounding board” to listen to new ideas
- provide an outside perspective or view
- give honest feedback to group members for personal growth and development
- provide support to the organization
- help deal with organizational crises
- intervene, when appropriate, in conflicts between group members
Historical Reference
- be knowledgeable of university policies that may impact the organization
- provide continuity and stability in student leaders’ transition
- oversee adherence to University standards and rule
- oversee adherence to the organization’s constitution and by-laws
- Advisors and/or organization are responsible for all funding
- provide the group with connections to other people and to campus resources
Responsibilities of Group Members to the Advisor
- discuss expectations of the advisor’s role with the advisor
- notify the advisor of all meetings
- send the advisor a copy of all the minutes (or archive in google doc folder)
- meet regularly with the advisor to discuss organizational matters
- relay and update information
- consult with the advisor before any changes in the structure or policies of the organization are made and before major projects are undertaken
- understand the advisor has no vote, but he/she has speaking privileges
- remember that the success or failure of an organization or project rests with the group, not the advisor
- give feedback to let them know how they may improve advisement.
Interested in becoming an advisor?
Student Life
Houston Harte University Center, Room 001