The Student Organization Leadership Fund (SOLF) provides ASU’s registered student organizations access to financial resources so that they can provide programs and activities for the campus community. SOLF provides funding for activities that are over and above the routine needs of student organizations, as it is reasonable to expect organizations to pay for their basic expenses through dues, donations, fund-raisers and other methods of self-support. SOLF is primarily intended for those organizations that do not have access to funding from other campus departments or programs.
The SOLF program is designed to assist student organizations in the following areas:
Sponsoring programs or events that enhance the social, recreational and/or academic aspects of campus life, and
Traveling to participate in endeavors that contribute to the leadership or professional development of RSO members.
Student Activity Release Form: This form should be used when students are participating in or traveling to university-sponsored events or activities. Every student participating/traveling needs to fill this form out.
Upon completion of the event, student organizations have two weeks to wrap up!
Return any unused funds to Student Accounts (collect receipt).
Student Organizations Check Report: Attach ALL original receipts (Including unused funds receipts) and submit to the Student Life office.
Provide the coordinator for student organizations with a photo and short description of event (no more than 150 words).
All information pertaining to the Student Organization Leadership Fund is available in the SOLF Guidelines.
After the Student Organization Advisory Council (SOAC) approves a Travel Application, a Pre-Travel Packet is due 30 daysprior to the intended departure date.
Pre-Travel Packet
All travel paperwork will be submitted or printed out (typed).
Student/Group Travel Form NOTE: For the section that begins with “Provide the Name of the Adviser accompanying this trip” - a student leader and the advisor must sign.
Please remember that the advisor is responsible for the money advanced for student travel and for making sure that all paperwork is completed in a timely manner. Please be aware of Student Travel Policies prior to accepting an advance from ASU.
Post-Travel Wrap Up
Upon returning from a student trip, student organizations have 15 days to wrap up.
Return unused funds to Accounts Payable (collect a receipt!).
Submit ALL appropriate receipts (including unused funds receipt).
Travel Allowance Form: This form needs to be submitted if students received funding for meals.
Provide the student organization coordinator with group photo from the event with a short description of what was accomplished (no more than 150 words).
All information pertaining to the Student Organization Leadership Fund is available in the SOLF Guidelines.
SOLF Appropriations Committee
The SOLF Appropriations Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the coordinator for student organizations and activities concerning requests for SOLF funding received from registered student organizations.
In addition, the SOLF Appropriations Committee makes recommendations for changes to SOLF operating procedures and the SOLF budget. The SOLF Appropriations Committee is comprised of representatives to review the SOLF eligibility of student organizations and is supported by the coordinator for student organizations and activities.
SOLF Applications for events or travel are reviewed once a week during the academic year by the SOLF Appropriations Committee.