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Pop Quiz! Which of these four common forms of testing started in the 1970s and remains in use?

The answer is scantron!

Created in 1972 by William E. Sanders and Michael Sokolski, this form of testing was an instant hit with professors and universities globally due to the ease of testing and grading. All professors had to do was hand out the answer sheets and scan the completed tests for automatic grading.

While not as popular as it once was, due to the COVID-19 pandemic forcing professors to utilize online testing, some still use scantrons as their preferred method of testing. If you have completed high school and have never taken a scantron test, a few questions you might have are:

This blog post will help you understand everything you need to know about scantrons before joining us at Angelo State University.

A scantron test sitting on a table.

What is a Scantron?

While there are multiple types of scantron sheets, students globally would tell you a scantron is a green multiple-choice sheet with 50 questions on the front and 50 on the back. While true this answer only accounts for what students know about scantrons.

Besides the answers sheet, scantrons are also scanners. These scanners are what made this form of testing so popular. Because of it, professors no longer needed to grade tests by hand; all they had to do was slide the answer sheet through and the machine automatically graded the tests.

How Does a Scantron Work?

Now that you know what a scantron is, you’re probably wondering how to take the test. It’s easy! Here are the steps students need to follow to complete their first scantron test:

  1. Fill out any information your professor requires such as your name, date and class subject.
  2. Fill in the bubble you think is the correct answer for all questions.
  3. Make sure you haven’t skipped any answers.
  4. Double-check your answers.
  5. Turn in your answer sheet to your professor.

That’s all you have to worry about when taking a scantron test, but for those curious about the scanning process, continue reading.

  1. First, the professor scans their answer key through the scanner.
  2. Then, the professor runs all student answer sheets through.
  3. After that, the scanner automatically grades all students’ answers with lights that scan over the answer sheets and take note of where the dark marks are.
  4. While scanning for the dark marks, the scanner marks any incorrect answer with the correct answer on the right side of the bubbles.
  5. After scanning, the machine will place the grade to the right of the “Test Record” box.
  6. Once the process is over, the professor records the grades in Blackboard.
  7. Finally, the professor returns the answer sheets to the students for review.

Girl outside studying on campus.

Can Scantrons Read Pen?

Two Scantron tests hanging on a whiteboard in the Porter Henderson Library. A question you might have before you take your first scantron test is, “Can I use my pen?” This is a fair question. With adults using pens more than pencils, you may hope you can use this writing utensil for your scantron test. The answer is on a case-by-case basis.

If your professor uses an older scantron scanner, you must use a No. 2 pencil. The technology inside these scanners can only read the graphite in No. 2 pencils, and not the ink found in pens.

However, you can use a black ink pen if your professor uses any of the newer scanners. The technology inside these scanners was upgraded to read pen ink.

While your professor may allow you to use a pen, many recommend a No. 2 pencil. This will ensure you can erase your answer if you need to. When you erase, ensure no dark marks are found on the erased answer. The scanners may see the partially erased mark as an answer and mark the answer as incorrect.

Angelo State and Scantrons

With many universities across the U.S. moving to online testing, you may wonder if Angelo State utilizes online testing.

Unlike many universities, Angelo State is not retiring its scantron scanners anytime soon. Due to this, some professors may choose to use a scantron for their tests. If your professor has you take a face-to-face test, they will provide you with the scantron free of charge. Your professor will also make sure you have plenty of time to complete it, so make sure to take your time.

While some professors may choose to have a scantron test, most Angelo State classes have moved to online testing. Even if your class is face-to-face, be prepared to have your assignments and exams online. While your professor will tell you exactly where you will find them, most will be through your online textbook or Blackboard.

Where Can I Buy a Scantron Sheet?

If you need to buy a classic scantron sheet, you can find some at Angelo State University’s campus bookstore, “Ram Central Station,” where you can buy single sheets. You can also find bundles at Amazon.

The outside of the Angelo State University bookstore

Final Note

While scantron testing is not as popular as it once was, it’s still a common form of testing you may find at any university. If you have never taken a scantron test before coming to Angelo State, don’t panic! Remember:

By remembering these tips, you’ll master scantron testing in no time.