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MBA MFT (Major Field Test)

  • Friday, November 8, 2024 10 a.m.
  • Vincent Building, Testing Center, Room 291
  • Free

MBA Major Field Test is a three-hour comprehensive outcome assessment designed to measure the critical knowledge and understanding obtained by students completing graduate-level studies in marketing, management, finance, managerial accounting and international business.

Students who are graduating with a Master’s degree in a business-related field are required to take the MBA MFT.

Use the form below to schedule your MFT or ACAT-History On-Campus exit examination. 

Examinations cannot be scheduled more than 30 days in advance. Schedule request dates that exceed 30 days will be deleted without notification.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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Biology MFT, Business MFT, Chemistry MFT, Computer Science MFT, Math MFT, Physics MFT, Political Science MFT, or Graduate MBA MFT. History majors take ACAT.
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