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Dual Credit Prerequisite Course Override Request

Presidential Scholars Dual Credit partners will use this form to request prerequisite overrides for dual credit courses. High schools should make efforts to ensure students are meeting the prerequisite requirements. If circumstances exist which do not allow students to meet the prerequisite requirements, the high school principal or designee must submit a request to allow students to enroll in a course where the prerequisite is not met. The request must include justification for the request including criteria used to determine the students’ ability to be successful in the course. Please use the form below to submit the override request. This will be reviewed by the provost or designee for approval. 

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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This request must be submitted by a high school principal, counselor, or superintendent.
required email address field
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required select menu field
required textarea field
Please explain the criteria used to determine the students’ ability to be successful in this course. This could include standardized test scores, assessment tests, AP completion, etc.