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Undergraduate Faculty-Mentored Grant Application

Students who apply for and accept the grant are expected to make a major commitment of time and effort to their projects. This commitment is far greater than what would normally be expected in a regular undergraduate independent studies course. Faculty mentors agree to work with the students throughout the application process and during the grant period to ensure the student is able to complete both the project and adheres to all grant requirements. Faculty mentors should recognize students will need assistance with the grant application process.

Before a student submits a grant, the faculty member is responsible for reviewing the proposal, timeline, budget, and any other supporting materials to ensure the student has completed the paperwork correctly. Faculty support of a student proposal indicates support and approval of the project and budget.


  1. Complete application form.
  2. Signed research guidelines.
  3. Detailed budget, complete with narrative that includes relevance of expenditures toward research project.
  4. Timeline of research.
  5. Narrative discussing the research project.
  6. Faculty Recommendation Form.
  7. IRB, IACUC, or IBC approval notifications (if applicable)

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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Are you submitting a yearlong or single semester project?*
required file attachment field
The submission needs to be one complete file.
(50 MB max)