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Report Request Form for ASU Personnel

Data in this report will be derived from the data warehouse and will be current as of 2 a.m. each morning.

Users should review the Data Confidentiality Agreement Form for Research and FERPA forms. If you have any questions about using this form, please contact the IT Service Center at 325-942-2911 or

This form is for use by ASU Personnel only. For public data requests, see our information on Open Records Requests.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

required text field
required email address field
required textarea field
(i.e., Need a report which shows all graduates in the year of 2013 with GPA of 3.4 or higher)
required radio button field
Is this a new form or a modification?*
textarea field
required radio button field
Will this report, or any of the data contained within be distributed outside of ASU?*
required radio button field
Would you like the report to use the standard report template?*
Users who run reports to Excel files find it easier to filter data without the template header and footer.
required date field
required textarea field
(i.e. Banner, Famis, Bosscars, etc.)
required textarea field
(i.e., term, fiscal year, CID, name, courses, etc.)
required textarea field
(i.e., term, date range, fiscal year, etc.)
textarea field
(i.e., Representation in charts or graphs, computed percentages, totals, etc.)
required text field
(i.e., HTML, PDF, CSV, Excel, etc.)
textarea field
required radio button field
Have you read and agree to the Data Confidentiality Agreement Form for Research and FERPA?*