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Engine Pro Machine LLC SBDC Success Story

Economic Impact

  • Business Expansion
  • 9 Jobs Retained
  • Commercial Loan

Danny and Lucy Nuñez of Engine Pro Machine LLC have operated their comprehensive engine repair business for many years, and have seen it grow and be successful.

They are long-time SBDC clients. Recently, Lucy retired and is now working in the business full-time to handle the financial and administrative duties. To increase their revenue, Danny wanted to add Dyno meter equipment services.

Danny came to SBDC Director Dave Erickson to seek financing for the purchase and installation of the equipment. Erickson put Danny in touch with Bob Schneeman with the City of San Angelo Development Corporation BREP program (Business Retention and Expansion Program). Bob was able to qualify them for an interest rate buy-down incentive so Erickson put Bob and Danny together to work out a plan to make this happen.

Erickson assisted Danny and Lucy in putting together a business plan and financial projections to submit to the BREP program, which let them see the projected numbers for their new revenue stream. Danny and Lucy were very pleased with the assistance, as was Bob with the BREP program.