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Business Prof Wins National Advising Award

November 15, 2022

Dr. Gayle Randall of the Angelo State University business faculty, also the faculty advisor for ASU’s chapter of the Delta Sigma Pi (DSP) professional business fraternity, has been named the 2021-22 National Chapter Advisor of the Year by the DSP national office.

Randall has been a member of DSP since 1988 when she was initiated into ASU’s Eta Theta student chapter as an undergraduate. She has also been the faculty advisor for the ASU chapter for eight years and guided it to the 2017-18 National Most Improved Collegiate Chapter Award and the 2018-19 R. Nelson Mitchell National Outstanding Collegiate Chapter Award.

Dr. Gayle Randall Dr. Gayle Randall “This award speaks volumes about our students and the impact they strive to make each day,” Randall said. “They have always enjoyed celebrating each other, but this time they surprised me with their heartfelt nomination packet. I am truly honored to serve our beloved Eta Theta chapter and completely filled with gratitude to our brothers, who continue to amaze me by going above and beyond every day.”

This year, the ASU chapter won two South Central Province Awards for Outstanding Financial Operations and Outstanding Scholastic Development. The South Central Province includes 30 DSP student chapters at colleges and universities in Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri and Oklahoma.

An ASU alumna and a faculty member since 2006, Randall is an assistant professor of marketing for the Department of Management and Marketing in the Norris-Vincent College of Business (NVCOB). In addition to teaching classes and advising the DSP chapter, she is a member of numerous university initiatives and is active in campus activities ranging from recruiting events to Homecoming Week and Ram Jams. She is also director of the “Most Europe” summer study abroad program.

Dr. Gayle Randall with her award surrounded by ASU students and Delta Sigma Pi regional leadership Dr. Gayle Randall with her award surrounded by ASU students and Delta Sigma Pi regional leadership Her teaching and service have also earned Randall multiple other awards from ASU and Delta Sigma Pi, including:

Off campus, Randall serves as president of the San Angelo Cadillac Dealers Advertising Association and a vice president of marketing for Randall Motors Inc. She is also an active participant in the San Angelo Business Plan Competition, BizPitch Competition, Leadercast Women and the Leadership San Angelo Alumni Association.

A former conference and regional champion for the ASU Rambelles cross country team, Randall earned her Bachelor of Business Administration and MBA degrees from ASU, and her Doctor of Business Administration from the University of Dallas.