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Recognizing ASU’s Values Everyday (RAVE) Fall 2023 Nominees

The RAVE program is part of the college’s initiative to celebrate our core values by recognizing faculty and staff who have been caught demonstrating integrity, diversity and inclusion, significance, community, or commitment.

The faculty and staff listed below have been RAVEd about.

Alyssa Allen

Alyssa Allen

Core Value Observed: Community

“As the STEM Outreach Community Liaison, Alyssa Allen has helped organize numerous College of Science and Engineering outreach events and facilitated the participation of CSE groups at community events. The recent Tuskegee STEM-Fest brought over 400 high school students to campus, and Alyssa’s commitment to excellence and attention to detail helped make this event a success. The ASU American Chemical Society Student Chapter appreciates all Alyssa’s efforts to help CSE faculty and students spread an appreciation of STEM to our community.”

Nominator: Dr. Edith Osborne

“Alyssa worked diligently to make the significant eclipse event on 14 October work for multiple thousands of attendees. While demonstrating several of the core values, I’d like to focus on Community: pulling teams together to engage in purposeful teamwork, and acting to meet relevant community needs. Tens of thousands of eclipse safety glasses were distributed throughout the Concho Valley, not only - but not least - though Alyssa’s hard work. This enabled thousands to safely view the extraordinary eclipse event. Alyssa also organized the on-campus event, pulling together offices and departments from across campus to put a terrific Ram Fam face forward to the community. The event was well-organized, attendance was great, and the atmosphere was electric. Well-done.”

Nominator: Dr. Paul K. Swets

Dr. Kenneth Carrell

Core Values Observed: Integrity, Significance, and Community

“Dr. Carrell organized and brought to campus three groups of physicists, physics students, and physics teachers to joint meetings on ASU’s campus from 12-14 October. He also was instrumental in the large eclipse event hosted on our campus on 14 October. He took responsibility, and considered others first, demonstrating Integrity; despite the extra work involved, he organized and hosted these significant events for Angelo State. He continued to construct a legacy and reputation of dynamic impact, by helping to ignite innovation and embracing opportunities for the physicists and also for the general public, demonstrating Significance. And he acted to meet relevant community needs, serving others, and helping a number of groups unify to strengthen institutional purpose, demonstrating Community. A big project, requiring hard work, and well-done.”

Nominator: Dr. Paul K. Swets

Jody Casares

Core Values Observed: Integrity and Community

“The College Office Coordinator was out on medical leave starting in June, extending through September. Jody stepped up and performed many of the clerical duties that the dean couldn’t do, and helped keep the college office on track and moving forward. Despite her important position as office coordinator for Physics and Geosciences, she made the time to help the college in a number of mission-critical tasks. She did the right thing, even if no one (except me) noticed. And she helped us pull together to strengthen institutional purpose. Her assistance was invaluable.”

Nominator: Dr. Paul K. Swets

Rigel Rilling

Rigel Rilling

Core Value Observed: Commitment

“Mr. Rigel Rilling exhibits an unwavering commitment to community outreach, engaging with the public in unique and impactful ways. His captivating science magic shows entertain and educate audiences of all ages.”

Nominator: Dr. Saravanan Ramasamy