2024 Faculty/Staff Service Awards Recipients Announced
February 15, 2024
Over 120 Angelo State University faculty and staff members, including 11 with a quarter century or more employment with the university, were honored with Service Awards during a ceremony on Feb. 13 in the ASU Houston Harte University Center.
The honorees were each presented with awards representing their years of service to the university. Receiving 45-Year Service Awards were Colegate Spinks, Information Technology, and Ned Strenth, Biology. Receiving a 40-Year Service Award was Leslie Mayrand, Archer College of Health and Human Services. Ralph Garcia, Facilities Management, received a 35-Year Service Award.
The 30-Year Service Awards went to Joe Munoz, Office of the President, and James Reid, Athletics.
Recipients of 25-Year Service Awards were Faustino Aguilar, Information Technology; David Bixler, College of Graduate Studies and Research; Jason Brake, Information Technology; Rickey Lasly, Financial Aid and Scholarships; and Paul Swets, College of Science and Engineering.
The 20-Year Service Awards went to Rosalinda Castro (retired), Registrar’s Office; Michael Dixon, Biology; Catarino “Cat” Galvan, Facilities Management; Clint Havins, Student Life; Richard Jones, Freshman College; Seth Lacy, Central Receiving/Supply; Jessica Manning, Business Services; Mark Multer, Facilities Management; Brian Porter, Facilities Management; Joseph Satterfield, Physics and Geosciences; Travis Scott, Athletics; Judy Stanley, Athletics/Ticket Office; and Carey Taylor, Information Technology/eLearning.
Recipients of 15-Year Service Awards were Kimberly Adams, Alumni Association; Mario Barrientos, Mathematics; Jackie Baxter, Controller’s Office; Paula Bradley, Mail Services; Tanner Bryant, Information Technology; Jeremy Conner, Facilities Management; Robert Cope, Agriculture; Jason Edgar, Facilities Management; Martha Faz (retired), Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Donna Gee, Teacher Education; Beverly Greenwald, Nursing; Teresa “Tay” Hack, Psychology; Chad Harris, Registrar’s Office; Brian Jackson, Information Technology; Constance Kelly, Visual and Performing Arts; Melissa King, Admissions; Jennifer Lennon, Office of the President; Michael McCarver, Information Technology; Luann McCorkle, Human Resources; Travis McCorkle, Athletics; Rudy Montalvo, Facilities Management; Edith Osborne, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Mandy Osborne, Curriculum and Instruction; Corey Owens, Agriculture; Katie Plum, College of Graduate Studies and Research, Sponsored Projects; Sandra Rosser, OneCard and Parking Services; Warren Simpson (retired), Kinesiology; Amy Smith, Freshman College; Kaylah Torres, Testing Center; Orlando Villarreal, University Police; Chuck Waddington, Athletics; and Scott Williams, Physics and Geosciences.
The 10-Year Service Awards went to Kenna Archer, Dr. Arnoldo De León Department of History; Anna Arreola, Natalie Zan Ryan Department of English and Modern Languages; Olivia Castro, David L. Hirschfeld Department of Engineering; Jimmy Cockerell, Information Technology; Drew Curtis, Psychology; Jordan Daniel, Kinesiology; Brook Dickison, Curriculum and Instruction; Laurel Fohn, Biology; Spencer Gustin (retired), Facilities Management; Ruben Limon, Facilities Management; Farrah Lokey, Financial Aid and Scholarships; Daniel Martinez, College of Education; David Martinez, University Police; Makensie McCormick, Nursing; Kelly Moore, Physical Therapy; Amanda Putman, Porter Henderson Library; Riley Raschke, Information Technology; Vickie Rodriguez, Psychology; Christabel Romine, Norris-Vincent College of Business; Chase Runyan, Agriculture; Robin Sebolt, Payroll Services; Gregory Smith, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Roland Tijerina, University Police; Damon Zak, Information Technology; and Ralph Zehnder, Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Recipients of Five-Year Service Awards were Daniel Anderson, Visual and Performing Arts; Kyle Beran, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Becky Bray, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Dessie Davis, Natalie Zan Ryan Department of English and Modern Languages; Jenny Davis, Accounting, Economics and Finance; Laurie Dickmeyer, Dr. Arnoldo De León Department of History; Manuel Garcia Ruiz, David L. Hirschfeld Department of Engineering; Scott Gartman, Communications and Marketing; Adrienna Gonzalez, Nursing; Judith Gonzalez, Natalie Zan Ryan Department of English and Modern Languages; Stevan Graves, Facilities Management; Samuel Guevara, Facilities Planning and Construction; Mohammad Haque, David L. Hirschfeld Department of Engineering; Jan Heinen (retired), Sponsored Projects; Chastity Howard, Special Events Facilities and Services; Dru Kure, Financial Aid and Scholarships; Austin Marlett, Information Technology; Kimberly Marshall, Controller’s Office; and Richard Martinez (retired), Facilities Management.
Also receiving Five-Year Service Awards were Mary Ellen Moreno, Multicultural Center; Thomas Moriarty, University Police; Sam Mote, Athletics; Simon Pfeil, Mathematics; Danielle Plecenik, Title IX Office; Joyce Reed, Freshman College; Mark Rehm, Counseling Services; Christopher Shar, Social Work and Sociology; Elizabeth Koeman-Shields, Physics and Geosciences; Brittany Smith, Title IX Office; Peggy Speetzen, Counseling Services; Robert Sport, Admissions; Jeremy St. John, Management and Marketing; Tammy Stafford, Nursing; Andrew Tiger, Norris-Vincent College of Business; Jacqueline Velez, Nursing; Kyrie Villa, Counseling Services; Susan Whitaker, Mathematics; Jun Wu, Security Studies and Criminal Justice; and Randy Young, Facilities Management.